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Your mom opens the door then you walked inside your house. You just arrived home from a tiring day at school. "Is your elbow fine now?" Your mom asked.

"Yeah, I told you it was fine yesterday." You lied. Of course it wasn't fine,
It was hurting like shit and it was a hard day for you since you couldn't even properly use your right arm. But you lied because you didn't want your mom to get worried.

You went to your room and took out your notebook, turning to the page that Jungkook had written his notes for you. Suddenly you remembered the moment you had with him on the rooftop. You're face became warmer as you didn't know why he had called you cute.

Why did I let him say such cringe worthy stuff.

~ ~
Jungkook kept cringing his teeth saying aish, as he thought of how he called you a cutie.

He doesn't know what to do, he's embarrassed that his mouth moved before his mind, unable to control his own thoughts.

Of course he wasn't lying about the part that he called you cute, but now he's embarrassed for such a cringe-worthy word.

She probably hates me for saying that, he thought to him self.

"Jungkook! What are you doing? You have been walking back and forth." Mi-Yeong said as she has been looking at her younger brother moving from one side of the living room to another. When Jungkook saw his sister, he debated whether or not he should tell her.

"Spit it out, Jungkook." Mi-Yeong said, she knew something was going on inside her brother head.

"Well, you know, so I... I accidently called Jiyeon cute," Jungkook said.

Mi-Yeong widened her eyes and formed her mouth a circle shaped as she knew that her brother loved you. "I knew it! I knew it!" She said while jumping.

"She told you that I called her cute?" Jungkook asked.

"No, I knew that you loved her." Mi-Yeong said as she was happy that her brother had fallen in love.

"L-love? No no. I said I called her cute, not to marry me.." Jungkook rolled his eyes, regretting his decision on telling his sister as she has now accused him of falling in love with you.

"Yes, but you didn't mean to call her cute right? It just got out of your mouth?" Mi-Yeong smugly smiled.

"How did you know?" Jungkook asked, surprised at how his sister guessed so correctly.

"Well, I know cause' ... Um.. Just forget it, But that's love Jungkook!" Mi-Yeong said, going back to her point.

"It's not love!" Jungkook said, as he was now scared that it could possibly be love. Wait, no. It can't be love.

"Ok whatever but what was her reaction?" Mi-Yeong asked as she was curious about the cute moment you and Jungkook had in her opinion.

"Well, so one time we went to get ice cream and there were Taehyung, Hoseok, Jin and everyone and so Taehyung said something cheesy with ice cream and I thought of one and I told her, but she threw her ice cream at me and this time I accidentally call her cute and she didn't throw anything at me." He said, slightly chuckling thinking about those moment.

"I have a plan to test if it's really love or not!" Mi-Yeong said smiling, thinking of her amazing plan that she had came up with.

"What?" Jungkook asked.

~ ~
"What!" You said, "What are you doing here," You looked at the boy in front of you. Jungkook.

What was he doing so early in the morning in front of your house? Is this what Mi-Yeong had as her plan?

"I... I'm here to help you.." He said, smiling a bit at you. You looked at him as if he's a alien or something. Instead, you were just confused his alien personality.

Why is he acting so different this couple of days?

"Help me? Look, if you are here to praise yourself about how you helped me with the notes then you can rip my notes and throw it away." You said, feeling annoyed that he came here just to praise him self.

"No, not that. I'm not here to praise my self. I'm here to help you. You know, your elbow hurts right? S-so I was thinking I could help you carrying your bag to school," He said, "Oh and we can accompany each other."

You were speechless, giving him an unknown look as you, yourself was confused over his helpfulness. "Come on," He said as he pulled your wrist, accidentally the right one.

"Ouch—" you said in pain. Jungkook widened his eyes and sorrow was filled in them.

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He said, repeatedly.  

"Gosh, how many times are you going to say sorry.." You said as the pain started to go away.

Jungkook chuckles and asks you to hand him your book bag. "I can carry it my self."

"No, I'll carry it for you." He said, trying to get it off of your shoulder. You lose and gave him your bag.

"By the way, do you want to study for the test on friday at my house?" He asked.

"Um- it's.. it's okay," You said, as you keep wondering why he has started acting so different.

"Oh, why? I'll be sad if you say no.." He pouts. Reminding you of Mi-Yeong, how she had asked you to go mall with her this weekend.

"You and your sister are really similar, you know that!" You exclaimed.

"So.. is that yes?" He asked.

"I don't know, If you say so," You replied, not knowing how to react.

"Okay!! So that means you are coming over to my house today." He said.

Your hands slightly brushed through his, while walking. He didn't know what he felt, but he has this fuzzy feeling inside himself.


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