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"Let's go, now." Jungkook said, pulling you by the wrist.

"Wait, at least let's say goodbye to grandma and grandpa." You told Jungkook. It was 6 in the morning, Jungkook had already woken up, and has woke you up as well.

You went down the stairs to the kitchen, hoping to get some food to fill your empty stomach. Jungkook followed behind you, tracing your invisible foot marks.

"What do you want to eat?" You asked, turning around.

"Anything, let's just get back home, can't we wake grandma and grandpa and say goodbye?" Jungkook asked, impatiently.

You sigh looking at him. "Was your nightmare really that scary?"

"It was, and I don't feel safe staying here, we need to go back, I don't want anything happening to you."

You nodded your head, Jungkook came closer wrapping his arms around your waist, he peck your forehead. "I don't want to lose you."

~ ~
"You haven't lost your sister yet, Jimin." Mi-Yeong said, walking towards him, looking at the message that she'd got from her brother, Jungkook.

"W-what do you mean?" Jimin asked.

"Jungkook said they're coming back today." Mi-Yeong said, smiling at him.

Jimin widened his eyes in happiness, his lips smile and his eyes formed tears, he went to Mi-Yeong hugging her, "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much," Jimin said, kissing her face at the every 'thank you' he'd said.

Mi-Yeong stayed frozen at Jimin action. After thanking her, Jimin back away and realized what he'd done. "Oh.. um.. I'm .. s-sorry," Jimin stuttered.

A flash of red appeared of Mi-Yeong cheeks. "Why, why am I feeling like this." Mi-Yeong voiced in her head.

"Mhm.. s-see y-you," Mi-Yeong said as she quickly ran away from him.

~ ~
You ran out of the train, as it has just stopped on Seoul station. "Don't run away from me." Jungkook said, trying to catch up to you. 

You stopped and looked back at him. You longed your hands, gesturing him to hold it. He came and grabbed your hands, locking it with him, both of you walked out to find a taxi.

You and Jungkook seated at the back seat, waiting to get home, but nervousness crippled upon on your body, not know how to face your family.

They are probably really mad at my action, I shouldn't have ran away, but I did, how will they accept me now?

Looking out of the window, you started to feel more nervousness as the car got closer to your house.

"Don't worry," you heard, turning around you faced Jungkook. "Don't worry, everything will be fine." he said, wrapping his arms around you, he gave you a kiss on the cheeks.

Sweetest Jerk ➳ J. JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now