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3rd POV

"I can't believe you're saying I'm not your girlfriend," Jiyeon said, looking at Jungkook.

"You aren't, you aren't her." Jungkook said, not knowing why he feels like this.

"Jungkook! Jiyeon!" Grandma called. "Let's go home before it gets dark."

"Let's go Jungkook," Jiyeon said, pulling Jungkook. He bite on his bottom lips, thinking if what he's feeling is just his illusion or if it really isn't his Jiyeon.

"Let's go." Jiyeon said as she pulled Jungkook to go to the car.

Jungkook stared out the window, being uncomfortable, his heart just don't rest, he had this unsatisfied feeling, and he didn't know why. 

Jiyeon came near, taking Jungkook hands and locking it with hers, "Do you not love me enough to know who I am?" Jiyeon asked.

"I love you a lot, and that's why I feel like you aren't her." Jungkook said, still not being convince that the girl near him is his Jiyeon.

"Are you going to make me look like a stranger to you then?" Jiyeon asked as she started crying.

Even though he feels like the girl next to him isn't his Jiyeon, he knows that he shouldn't mistreat her, because what if, she really is the Jiyeon that Jungkook loves. "I, I'm sorry," Jungkook said as he pulled Jiyeon in a hug.

Jiyeon smiled at Jungkook action, happy that Jungkook was finally convince that she is his Jiyeon.

~ ~
It dinner time, food place in the table, everyone sat around. Jiyeon, who usually used to be eager to eat, is eating slowly.

"What happen? Are you sick?" Jungkook asked, looking at his her who was eating lazily.

"N-no, I eat like this." Jiyeon replied. Jungkook again, starts to question if she really is his Jiyeon, because the Jiyeon that he knows, loves food more than anything.

Jungkook ate his food, looking at Jiyeon again, she was already done, and had gone to the sink to do the dishes.

Jungkook went and put the dishes on the sink, while Jiyeon was washing it. He was waiting for her to yell at him for adding more dishes, but the Jiyeon near him didn't yell. She simply continued doing what she was doing.

Jungkook backhug her, placing his chin of Jiyeon shoulder, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Why are you acting so different? I miss the stubborn Jiyeon." Jungkook said.

"Why do you miss the stubborn one? I'm trying to be sweet." Jiyeon replied, putting away the last plate away before turning around.

"The only person who's suppose to be sweet is me, you're suppose to be stubborn." Jungkook pouts.

"I'm trying to be sweet, and you're being stubborn, you keep saying I'm not Jiyeon." Jiyeon said as she cross her arms.

Jungkook scratch his neck, "I know, I shouldn't be feeling like this, I'm—I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, just don't make me feel bad again, making me feel like a stranger to you." Jiyeon said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that," with that, Jungkook and jiyeon hugged each other, Jungkook giving her a kiss on her head, muttering sorry.

"Let's go to bed now." Jiyeon said, walking towards the bedroom. Jiyeon enters the room, making Jungkook confused.

"That's not our room." Jungkook said, walking toward their actual room.

Jiyeon went inside their actual room, seeing that Jungkook already went in the bedroom, covering himself with the blanket.

Jiyeon went and sleep on the other side. Slowly her eye lid become Heavy, falling asleep, but she quickly open her eyes as she see Jungkook shaking her should. "What happen?" She asked.

Jungkook was crying as he was shaking her shoulder. "Just please tell me, I beg you where's my Jiyeon? I know you're not her, please give me my Jiyeon."

"W-what are you talking about?" Jiyeon stutters.

Jungkook eyes were filled with tears as he missed his Jiyeon, because whether it's for a fact or of its with his imagination, his gut just won't believe the girl near him is his girlfriend.

"Please, please tell me," Jungkook begged. "I can't live without her."

"I'm Jiyeon, I'm your girlfriend, please don't make me feel like a stranger again." Jiyeon said, tears forming in her eyes as well.

Jungkook grabbed her clothes collar, lightly, "Please tell me, please," He cried more.

"I-I'm sorry, I can't."


"I can't tell you who I am." Jiyeon said.

"Then, tell me where my Jiyeon is," Jungkook said, standing up.

"I can't tell you where she is either."

"Please tell me, what do you get my doing this? Why did you do this to my Jiyeon?"

"I didn't want to, I was force to," Jiyeon raise her voice. "I was forced to by the person who I love."


"I know he's a bad person, but love is love, and love is blind, I love him so much that I willingly did a plastic surgery for him."

"Plastic surgery? You're saying you made your face like Jiyeon? But why? Why did you do that?" Jungkook questioned.

"Because I was forced to act like your girlfriend, I was forced to pretend like I'm Jiyeon."

"By who? Who would do that? We have nothing to do with anyone, especially in this city, we're from Seoul."

"I don't know the full story, but he saw Jiyeon and you at a mall? I think Jiyeon bite him or something?"

Jungkook tried to remember, and he did, he remember how Jiyeon had told him to stand on one place as she went to inside the store, but Jungkook saw a guy walking behind her, so he went to check on her.

He remembered how the guy tried to lay hands on his Jiyeon, and how he had called her babe, and hugged her, making the guy go away after finding out that those 2 were girlfriend and boyfriend. "So you're saying, he took my Jiyeon?" Jungkook asked in disbelief.

The Jiyeon in front of him nodded her head. Jungkook started worrying, especially because it's that guy, the perverted dude. "Please tell me where my Jiyeon is."

"I-I'm sorry, but, I can't."

Jungkook couldn't wait any longer as he rushed out of the house to go find his Jiyeon. Jungkook ran through the streets, not knowing where he's going, he heard his phone ringing, he ignore it a couple of time before finally stopping to see who it is. He got a text, he opened it and it was Mi-Yeong.

Where are you coming back with Jiyeon?

"I'm so sorry, I couldn't keep Jiyeon safe, I wasn't able to protect her well" Jungkook muttered under his breath as he felt lifeless without the girl he had in his mind, the girl he thought the belong to him; his Jiyeon.

"Jungkook!" Says a voice behind him. He turns around as he sees a girl.



(Please check my story 'long sleeves' ^^)

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