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"Aw jungkook you're a jerk, but a sweet one." Mi-Yeong said as she walk inside the school with Jungkook.

It was Monday, which means 5 days of hell, starting today. But Jungkook and Mi-Yeong were always happy, no matter what day it was.

But on Sunday, Jungkook decided to ditch his sister and hide him self inside his room playing video games. She was mad, but now he has made up to her by buying her chocolate. They both walk to their lockers. While walking, Jungkook saw you.

You were trying to get your textbook from the locker, you had sprain your right elbow when Jimin had pushed you down on the floor, so it was hard for you hold your textbook. Sigh. You endure the pain and grabbed it and put it in your left arm. You stand up and made your way to the class.

"Helloo~~, earth to Jungkook?" Mi-Yeong said waving her hand in front of Jungkook face as he has dazed out, yet again looking at you.

"Oh..um.. I'll be getting to class Noona." Jungkook said, walking toward the classroom.

~ ~
"We will be taking notes today, we'll have test over this Friday. So write everything." Mrs. Kim said as she started writing on the board.

You took out your notebook with your left hand, but now how will you write? You were right handed.

Just why? I thought I was going to beat that Jungkook and be first place this year. But everything is going wrong.

You looked at the board, Mrs. Kim had written so much in the board, yet you had nothing written in your notebook. You wanted to cry. Why does everything happen at once?

You suddenly remembered what Taehyung said, you didn't know what he meant then but now you truly knew what he meant when he said

"Life has many ways of testing someone's will, either by having nothing happen at all, or by having everything happen at once"

You couldn't write the notes so you just stared at your blank sheet of paper. You shook your head as you might failed the test on Friday.


The bell ringed for another class, your food class. You thought maybe going to that class is not the right thing. Especially because you can't even use your hand, it's definitely not the right choice.

You decided to go to rooftop.

You lazily walk up the stairs, you heard your heavy footsteps as you walked up. Then you went to open the door, but you still heard the heavy footsteps, so it was not me?

You look back to see if anyone was coming up, but no, no one was coming. Maybe it's my hallucination. You open the door and went inside.

Taking a deep breathe, you felt the fresh freeze across your skin. Then you heard the door open behind you. You widen your eyes in shock thinking it might be the teacher, you quickly turned around to see who it was but no, no one was there.

It was getting creepier and creepier by seconds. You sense that there's someone but who could it be? Your heart raced in fear.

You turned to your right side to look if there was anyone, then to the left, still you saw no one. I'm s-scared.

You turn to the front, still no one. What's this? Why am I so creeped out. You turn to your back and"Booo!"

"Aaaahhhhh," you screamed as you constantly hit their chest, not knowing who ever that person is.

You used your right hand to hit, so you felt a rush of pain in your elbow. "Ouch, ah.. ouc-" You said in pain.

"A-are you okay?" Your ears twitch when you heard the familiar voice. You moved your head to see, and it was really him. It was Jungkook.

"You!" You raised your voice, "Why did you follow me!"

"Um.. I— I was.. I means I saw that you couldn't take notes, um so I-I wanted to give you my notes." Jungkook stuttered.

He wants to give me notes? But—"Don't you want to see me come second to you?" You said wondering why he wanted to give you notes when he was basically your rival.

"Yeah, but not in this way. It isn't fair, I have my notes and you don't," He said "So I'd rather lose than to win without competition." 

You didn't know what you felt. You had always though of him as your rival, him being helpful so that you can get a better grade wasn't realistic to you. You thought he could do anything to win over you. But you were so wrong.

"Come here," Jungkook said as he patted the spot near him on the bench.

You went and sit next to him, "You're willing to skip class to copy the notes for me?" You asked as Jungkook had already started copying his notes for you.

"That's only because you're cutie, and I'm pitiful" Jungkook said as he ruffle your hair.


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