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Jungkook hugged you, the man ran away, but you were hiding your face from Jungkook. Hiding it by not backing away from the hug.

You were embarrassed.

You were in the undergarment section, you had warn Jungkook to stay on a spot far away, but now that he's here and he find out what you were doing, you were embarrassed.


"I'm so embarrassed," You softly muttered. Putting your hands on your cheeks, noticing how hot they have become.

"Won't you look at me?" Jungkook asked, trying to look at your face.

"No no no, I'm so embarrassed," You said, not getting your face away from his chest that you were hiding yourself into.

"I didn't mean to come, but the guy was following you from behind, so I had to make sure you were safe." Jungkook said.

Covering your red cheeks with your hand, you back away. Jungkook pulled you hands and saw your blushing face. "You're cute when you blush." Jungkook said as it made you blush even more.

"I'm so embarrassed," You said covering yourself again, going out of the store.

"Wait!" Jungkook said as he tried to catch you, but in vain. He try's to follow up to you from behind.

You ran up to grandma, hiding yourself behind her. "What happen?" She asked.

"She keeps running away from me," Jungkook tells grandma. Grandma and grandpa chuckle with each other, admiring you and Jungkook's silliness.

"Do you guys want to go play on over there?" Grandma asked, pointing at the game sections.

"No, we should go home now." You denied.

Jungkook went to the game section, as he sees the doll vending machines. As talented as he was, he got the doll that he wanted on his first try.

Jungkook hide it behind his back as he walks toward you. "Let's go." Jungkook said as all of you walked back to the car.

Like before, grandma and grandpa seated up front while you and Jungkook sat on the back.
"Hey," Jungkook whisper at you.

You turn your body to look at him, still embarrassed from the moment earlier, but not as much.

"This is what you looked like," Jungkook said, showing you the little doll that he'd held, that had a huge blushing on the face.

"Tsk.." You said, turning around and smiling to yourself.

~ ~
It was dinner time. The most waited time of the day, maybe not the time but food.

After eating the food, you help grandma clean the dishes. "Let's watch a movie" Grandpa suggested.

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