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Jimin gave you a indignant looked. He was indeed very shocked, you had never slapped him before. He move his hand to touch the part of his cheek that your hands made mark on.

"How dare you.." Jimin muttered "how dare you slapped me," He said, now raising his voice so much that it scared you.

"I should be the one to ask you that," You said. You were scared after you slapped him, but then you thought backing up now wasn't the right choice, so you decided to stand up for your mom.

"How dare you always talk to her like she is some coward person, do you realized how much you hurt her? Do you realized that she is your mom? Why do you say that she isn't your mom when-you-clearly-f**king-know-that-she's-your-f**king-mom!" You yelled, being short of breathe as you said that without breathing.

You were a crying mess right now, but you didn't care because you just can't take this anymore. This has been going on for too many years and now you have finally came to a breaking point.

"Jiyeon-ah! Who said you can talk bad words?" You heard your dad yell as he came downstairs.

"All you ever care about are things that are always useless," You said, "I don't see why you are caring about me saying bad words, when you don't f**king care about your son mistreating your own f**king wife."

"Jiyeon! Behave," Your mom yelled at you. You pressed your lips together and closed your eyes to let out the couple of tears surrounding your eyes.

"I'm done behaving, if watching your mom get yelled at, watching your family break up, being hurt and not doing anything to stop is what you call behaving then count my words, I won't behave anymore. I'm not gonna just watch this anymore. It's getting to the point that I want to report it to the police," You said, "And something that I never understand was, why? Just why are you doing this to mom, Jimin? Tell me! Why?"

You looked at Jimin for him to answer your question. When you asked him why he was doing this to mom, something deep inside him wanted to burst out the truth, but he knows it's better to be untold.

You move closer to Jimin because you really wanted to know just why your family has been destroyed, why has your family always argued, why couldn't everyone be happy. You move your hands and put it on Jimin shoulder.

When you touch him, all the anger came in him, he remembered your slapped, so he fling and pushed you. He pushed you so hard that you landed on the floor.

Your elbow made contact with the wooden floor of your living room. You felt pain, especially because your skin peeled and your bones made contact with the hardwood. Groaning, you tried to get up. You felt like you had sprain your elbow.

Though you felt pain building up, you didn't stop your self from repeating yourself so that Jimin could answer you. "Jimin, I know that you are not deaf! Answer me" You said, standing and looking straight at him.

"Don't ever try to consult me. I can say what I want with my own permission, I'm not your friend, and if you wish to hear it, maybe not even your brother. I just hate this whole family." Jimin said as he rushed of out the house.

Did he just said I'm not his sister?

First, he always used to say mom wasn't his mom. Now, he started saying you aren't his sister. What's next? Him saying that your dad isn't his dad?

What is wrong with him? How can he just accuse people of not being in a relation that is blood related. How can he call his own sister that she isn't his sister? How can he call his own mom that she isn't his mom anymore?

It was just today afternoon that he had ask you to walk home with him, and you thought maybe, just maybe he's becoming a better brother. Not a better son but you thought he was becoming a better brother.

But right now, you felt so disgusted at how wrong you were. You were disappointed at how your brother is still the jerk he always was.

Not the sweetest jerk, but a despicable one.


(Thank you so much for 1k)

Sweetest Jerk ➳ J. JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now