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"I have a plan!" Mi-Yeong said.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked, excitedly.

"Umm.. but you won't be able to do it, so there's no point in saying it," Mi-Yeong tease.

Jungkook opened his mouth and gasped, he was offended. "Are you underestimating me?" Jungkook asked.

"Well, you're a shy little goofball in front of girls, so how can I not underestimate you?" Mi-Yeong chuckle as she said that.

"First tell me what you plan for me to do?" Jungkook become curious, wondering what his sister has for him to do.

"Are you even able to talk to Jiyeon?" Mi-Yeong raised her eyebrows, "Well, my plan contains you bringing Jiyeon our house, can you do that?" She knew her brother hate losing and she knows he'll somehow bring you to their house. She just has a plan to get you and Jungkook together.

"And how will that help me determine if I love her or not?" Jungkook asked.

"Well... when she is around you, if your heart beats like it's about to explode, then it's love. And to find that out, you need to go near her!" She said.

"Just wait and watch, I'll bring her to our home today." Jungkook said as he made his way to his room.

Confidence was shown all over his face.

End of flashback

~ ~
"Jiyeon!" Jungkook yells, making his way to your locker.

You looked at him. You were still confused over why was he being so nice to you all of a sudden. He is willing to help me?

His helpfulness was still hard for you to swallow, but you wonder, what if it was just you be who was constantly trying to be better him?Maybe that's why you thought he would never help you. You thought he was your enemy, and you also know that enemy don't help each other. But maybe, just maybe, he never thought of you as a enemy.

Or maybe, he like it when you were triggered from him, from how he was always above you, but that's all in the maybes. You didn't know the truth and you don't like assuming. "Here, I'll carry the book for you" Jungkook said, taking the book from your hand.

"I really want to ask you why you are being so nice to me, like do you have something to get me trapped in? Is there a reward you'll get by being nice to me?" You said, you have been having this in your mind for way too long, and finally you let it out. 

"No, why do you always think like that? I want to be help because look at your elbow!" Jungkook said, of course it wasn't all the reason why he wanted to help you, but one of them were because of your sprained elbow. Main reason why he was being helpful to you will always be, because he wanted to find his true feelings toward you.

"Ok, but I need to tell Jimin that I'll come home late." You said as you walked outside the school building, looking for Jimin.

~ ~
You saw Jimin standing with Mi-Yeong near the bench of the school.

You and Jungkook walk up to them.  "I'll be going to their house to study," You pointed toward Jungkook.

"Ok!" Jimin agreed as he started walking.

"Wait! I want to walk with you," Mi-Yeong said, leaving you with Jungkook.

Mi-Yeong plan was to let you two be with each other, so she run with Jimin to let you too be alone.

"Uh, let's go?" Jungkook said.

"Ya, let's go"

~ ~
"Let's go! Pleaseee?" Mi-Yeong begged Jimin.

"No!" Jimin denied.

Mi-Yeong was trying to convince Jimin to go on a double date with you, her, Jungkook and him. Ok, maybe a double date from her point of view.

"Ok! I will but you have to help me with something" Jimin said, making a deal.


"Date me." Jimin said.


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