♡ㅣbonus chapter

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"Are you ready?" Jungkook spoke from the other side of the phone.

"Ready for what?" You asked.

"I won't say." Jungkook scoff.

"Kidding, I'm ready, are you coming to pick me up?" You asked.

"Mhm." Jungkook hummed.

~ ~
The door bell ringed, knowing that it must be Jungkook, you got out of the room, heading towards the door. But before you reached the door, you saw the Mi-Yeong had opened the door for Jungkook, already. "Oh, Noona, you're here?" Jungkook, surprised that his sister was here as well.

"Why? You can come here and I can't?" Mi-Yeong teasingly said. "It's my boyfriend house, anyways."

"Wah Noona, did Jimin hyung taught you that?" Jungkook, once again, surprise at his sister.

"Don't worry, we'll leave you with Jimin, alone." You winked, coming down.

"Wah, you guys have been really bad lately." Mi-Yeong said, pointing index finger at you and Jungkook.

"Like you haven't." Jimin fired back, from the sofa that he was sitting on.

"Yahh, Jiminie," Mi-Yeong said, going in to hit Jimin's shoulders.

Jungkook looked at you, smiling. Putting out his hands, he asked for yours. You put your hands on top of his, locking it together, he pulled you close to him.

"Let's go." He said, going out of the door.

He said he had prepared something for you. You tried asking what it was, but he insisted that it should stay as a surprise. You walked to where Jungkook took, hands in hands with his.

It was getting dark, and the moonlight made the walk even better. Looking around your surrounding, it looked too similar, almost as if you were going to Jungkook house. Only to be found that you were corrected, because Jungkook stopped to in front his door.

"Yah! You told me to get ready to just come to your house?" You asked, in disbelieve. Jungkook hummed before looking at you with a sarcastic smile. He pulled you inside the house.

"Did you expected something else? How can you except that much from me?" Jungkook asked, jokingly.

Scoffing, you went to grab a seat on the couch. Jungkook came to join you. He laid himself on the sofa, making your lap as a pillow for himself. Jungkook stared at you as you looked at somewhere other than him. "Are you upset?" Jungkook asked.

"Whatever." You rolled your eyes, looking down at him. He had a smirking smile, plastered over his face. He grabbed your hands, making it touch his face. You knew that he means to play with him hair.

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