Part 1

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"Just smile Mari!" Betty pleaded, "I can't hold this camera forever!"

Unwillingly, I flashed a half-hearted smile.

The camera made a clicking noise and Betty laughed loudly.

"Why do you even need to take a picture? It's not like this is some memorable moment." Jughead asked, rolling his eyes.

"Of course it's memorable! We're all here together." Archie jumped in.

Betty smiled, "Exactly."

I flopped down on the trampoline and Jughead followed suit.

"Can you believe that we're starting high-school in just one year?" I sighed.

Jughead raised an eyebrow, "I thought you would be more thrilled, you seem like you can't wait to grow up."

I thought about it for a minute.  Yeah, I wore a lot of makeup for a fourteen year old and I couldn't wait to go to college and get an apartment, but high-school just seemed so dark to me.

"Eh, I'm just not really feeling it, y'know?"

His eyes met mine and he smiled, "I guess so."

"Hey Marina, Archie and I have to go home." Betty said.

"OK, see ya."

I watched them walk off.  Betty looked at Archie's hand like she was dying to hold it.

Once they were out of earshot I sat up.

"Hey, Jug?" I asked.


"Why do you think Betty likes Archie so much.  I mean he's just a boy."

He rolled over onto his stomach, "I don't know.  It's kind of stupid."

"Yeah," I started to trail off, "Did you ever like anyone like that?"

"Not really. I wouldn't want to have to kiss them."

I raised an eyebrow, "Kiss someone? You've never wanted to kiss someone?"

He rolled over onto his back again, "I don't think so, I never have so I don't know if I would like it or not."

"I don't know if I would like it either."

Suddenly, I got an idea.

"Maybe, we could kiss?"

Jughead sat up with his eyes wide, "What!"

"It wouldn't mean anything!" I said quickly, "Just so we'd know what it was like."

He calmed down and thought about it.

"I guess, but we can't tell anyone, not even Archie and Betty."

I nodded my head quickly.

We moved closer together and barely made eye contact.

He looked at me, "So should I, or what should..."

Miss Atomic Bomb (Jughead Jones)Where stories live. Discover now