Part 9

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The hallways looked oddly bleak that morning as I walked down them. Maybe it was the horrible nightmare I had last night or maybe it was because of Jason's murder or maybe it was because it was just a Monday, but something felt off.

Principal Weatherbee had just told us the pep rally would not be cancelled and that if anyone had any information regarding his death they should report to his office as soon as possible. Cheryl had also came on the intercom, telling us that she already had suspicions of who the murderer was and to use the hashtag #riverdalestrong. She sounded different, almost like she really was sad this time.

Jughead was standing next to the water fountain with Archie when I found hi m that morning.

"Is there something you want to tell me pal?" Was all I heard him say as I walked up to them.

Archie said nothing and left.

"What was that about?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I've been thinking, you said you saw Archie with Miss Grundy on July Fourth and that was also the day of our road trip."

"Oh. That's strange."

-12:00 pm.-

"Seats everyone." The teacher announced as he walked into the classroom, "Pair off, gloves on, scalpels up."

"Can I be with Cheryl?" Archie piped up.

"And I want to be with Betty!" Veronica called out while Betty mumbled something about wanting to be with Kevin.

"Actually, uh, Keller's with me. We, like, talked." Moose decided as he began to walk towards him and winked.

"Oh god." Kevin breathed as he approached him.

"And I'll be wi-" I stopped talking when I saw Jughead already paired off with someone in the back.

"I'll partner with you." A small voice said from behind me.

I turned to find a blonde girl with a small smile on her face and I felt something die inside of me.

Little Isabelle Simpson, one of Cheryl's followers sat behind me.

Isabelle was always a quiet girl who rarely spoke. I didn't know much about her, except for that one thing.

"No Mom! Please!"

I turned and saw Isabelle looking at her mother with tears in her eyes. She was in her bedroom and I could see little through her the blinds on her window, but I managed to snap a few pictures.

"Listen Izzy, you need to take these!" Her mom commanded holding a small container in her hand and a glass of water.

"You don't understand! I feel like I'm going insane!" She shouted at her.

"Honey these will help. Just take them!" She pleaded.

Isabelle caved onto her bed and shoved the small thing down her throat.

Her mother left the room and the bottle sitting on her window sill.

She looked at them with pure hatred and started to unlock her window.

I ducked under a bush and I saw her throw the empty bottle out her window and then slam it shut.

Miss Atomic Bomb (Jughead Jones)Where stories live. Discover now