Part 12

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"And in that moment of hesitation, you're dead. All of you are dead."

Dilton Doiley, someone I had never cared for. His insensitiveness and broken idea of 'safety' never really screamed friend or boyfriend material to me. Plus his name was Dilton, that's really all you need to know to get the jist of his personality. So I personally chose to ignore him, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

"At ease, Doiley. I'm writing an article for the Blue and Gold." Jughead announced to make his presence known. "Hoping you can help."

Dilton seemed to contemplate the idea for a minute.

He eventually sighed , "Dismissed. But stay close."

Jughead and I moved closer to Dilton and he began to ask him about 'the incident.'

"Cheryl and Archie both say they heard a gunshot the morning of July 4th, but they don't know who fired."

Dilton did nothing but roll his eyes.

"Sherriff Keller already asked me about this. And like I told him, my Scouts and I, we didn't hear anything weird."

"Well, did you see anything weird?" I asked him, hoping to get something useful.

"A white-winged crossbill. A long-eared owl." He paused and thought for a moment, "Oh. And Cheryl, sitting by the river, soaking wet."

The sarcasm dripping from his voice sickened me and I looked away, only to notice a scout with a suspicious grimace on his face.

As we left I got a text from Veronica

Veronica: gonna get revenge on Chuck wanna come to our meeting?

Now I loved taking down a sexist pig, but to be totally honest, I really didn't want to get involved after the lockeroom incident. I could barely handle the way Chuck had insulted my own mother and the chances that I wouldn't go full on ballistic on him were slim.

Marina: no thanks. I don't think I'll be able to handle it.

Veronica: all right, gtg

Marina: see you.

-8:30 pm.-

"Juggie! Don't say that!" I laughed, elbowing him softly.

We had been sitting in the same booth at Pop's for well over an hour now, and it was surprisingly pretty crowded.

"Well it's true. Reggie can barely solve two plus two. What makes you think he can take trig?"

"Well I th-" I stopped talking when something, rather someone, caught my eye.

"Jug, it's that kid from Dilton's troop."

"Wait what?" He said as he whipped his head around to locate him.

His eyes narrowed when he saw him and he started to get up.

I knew what he was going to do and I grabbed his arm.

"Jug let me."

He frowned, "That is no way I'm going to let you go over there."

"He's the one who was looking at me!"

Miss Atomic Bomb (Jughead Jones)Where stories live. Discover now