Part 13

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"If you publish a story saying I fired that gun, my life will be ruined. I'll be banished from the Adventure Scouts, and charged with a misdemeanor."
Dilton was sitting in a chair as Jughead, Betty and I questioned him. He was completely frantic. "So, what if I have a better story?" Jughead looked back at Betty then to me. He was most likely questioning whether or not it was even worth listening to him. "If I tell you what I know, promise me the gunshot stays between us."

"You have our word. As journalists." Betty decided walking over next to Jughead.

I know I shouldn't have felt it, but a pang of jealousy stabbed me when I saw how close she was to him. Betty had been growing increasingly fond of Jughead and I wasn't sure how I felt about it.

"I saw something at Sweetwater River. Something nobody else saw. Ms. Grundy's car. By the river's edge. She was there."

-2:30 pm.-

"Hey Marina. How's it going?" Camden greeted me as I slid onto the couch in the library.

"Good, I suppose."

This was our third meeting since my meltdown at the football game, and there was a bit of awkwardness between us, especially since she found out I know the truth about her.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" She asked me.

Her futile atempt to make conversation was almost pitiful, but there was still something I wanted to say to her.

"I won't tell anyone about you and Lily being adopted."

Her eyes widened and she laughed nervously, "What, you don't have to do th-"

"Yes I do. You hate these things as much as I do now and I at least want you to try and make me feel better."

Her expression softened and she smiled, "Thank you Mari."

"No problem." I said while crossing my arms and putting my feet on the sad excuse for a coffee table the library had.

"Maybe we should talk about the football game?" She suggested, "It's been a couple of days and there is obviously something going on there."

I rolled my eyes and scratched my the back of my head.

"There's nothing wrong." I checked my phone, "Well it's already time to go."

I hooked up and Camden did too.

"Maybe we could go get milkshakes at Pop's?"

I raised an eyebrow at Camden, "I'm busy."

She sighed and gazed over at me.

"I think of you as a friend, I hope you feel the same."

She picked up her bag and left me speechless in the library.

After standing there for a minute I grabbed my bookbag and slung it around my shoulder.

I pushed through the doors and exited the school and began to walk home.

"Hey stranger."

I turned around to find none other than Jack Thomas.

He somehow looked better than the last time I saw him.

Jack, by no doubt, was very attractive. It was his ego that turned me off.

"Leave me alone Jack."

I turned back around, but Jack grabbed my shoulder and turned me back around.

"Hey you don't leave Jack Thomas without a good explanation."

His expression was darker and the smile he had on previously had vanished.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted, flinging his arm off of me.

"Look, we both know that sex wasn't the reason you left, so what was it?"

I scrunched up my nose and gritted my teeth.

"You want to know the real reason Mr. Perfect? Well here it is." I debated slapping him right then and there, but we weren't really hidden in the middle of the sidewalk. "I was trying to get over my mom, so I found the first expendable boy I could find and drowned my sorrows in him. News flash, it was you."

He was nearly shaking with anger when he grabbed my arm and drug me into a hidden alley.

"Hey! Leave me alone!" I shouted.

"Was that all I was? Some regrettable one night stand?" He said.

My eyes narrowed.

"Well that's all I was to you too."

Before I could do anything he pushed me up against a wall and shoved his lips onto mine.

I tried to fight him, but he was much larger and stronger than me.

Eventually he stopped.

"Well?" He asked wiping his mouth.

"Sexually assaulting someone isn't how you get them back." I growled at him.

His hand flung across my cheek in a flash, but I could barely feel the pain as I reached my hand up to my cheek. It was numb and as I brought my hand back I saw the blood red droplets covering my fingers.

"What the hell!"

We both turned to find Jughead standing at the edge of the alley.

He ran up to me and wrapped me into his arms.

"So this is the son of a bitch you've been seeing huh?" Jack asked me.

I said nothing as Jughead walked away from me and stood up to him.

Somehow, Jughead was taller than Jack even though he was two years younger than him.

"Stay away from her." Jughead hissed.

"Make me."

Jughead grabbed his shirt and pulled his arm up for a punch.

"Jughead stop!" I shrieked. They both turned and stared at me wide-eyed.

"What?" They both spat in unison.

I stared Jack dead in the eye and glared at him so hard that I could have burned a hole through him.

So with as much poison and malice one could possibly put in a sentence I growled, "He's not worth it."

Jack's face turned cold as Jughead released him and he ran down the alley.

"You think you're depressed now? Well wait until I finish with you!" He shouted at me before turning to flee.

Welp, we finally got some insight on Jack. Once again thank you guy so much the reads are just flooding in and I'm so happy! I pulled out my phone about ten times in the middle of class just to make sure Wattpad wasn't playing a trick on me!

Miss Atomic Bomb (Jughead Jones)Where stories live. Discover now