Part 23

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"My mom and dad don't want to get the police involved. They don't want anyone to know that she ran away, or about her shameful condition." Betty explained as we sat around the school lounge.

The memories of last night definitely did not help my nightmares. The visions of Polly and Jason's get away car mixing with the car crash, Polly's blood on her broken window intertwining with memories of my Mom's blood on the car window.  I had almost called Jughead to come over, but he seemed tired lately and I didn't want to put any more of a burden on him.

"Please. What decade is this?" Veronica scoffed.

"Also, since she knew where Jason's getaway car was, they're afraid people might think that she burned it and that if she did,"

Jughead finished for Betty, "She could be the murderer, trying to cover her tracks."

"It's really sickening if you think about it.  I mean would anyone really suspect Polly? It was common knowledge that she loved him more than anything." I added with a glance over to Betty.

"Who did burn the car, then?" Archie asked.

"Sheriff Keller says it's possible someone was following us."

Betty barely had time to finish before Veronica rolled her eyes, "Oh, my God. Honestly, guys, we should just move."

"Guys, what if Polly's really hurt? What if whoever killed Jason is coming after her next?" Betty sighed.

I gave her a soft squeeze on her shoulder for comfort.

"Betty, even though your parents don't want to, maybe you should go to the police." Archie suggested.

"Second it. We can talk to my dad together about how he has to be discreet." Kevin announced.

Jughead raised an eyebrow, "No offense, Kev, but your dad answers to a higher authority than God, the Blossoms. They're the first people that he would tell."

"And if there's anyone to keep this a secret from, it's the Blossoms. They'd twist it around and go after Polly out of spite." Betty finished.

"How can we help?" Veronica asked her softly, "Tell us, B, and we'll do it."

She said nothing.


I walked through the school's halls that morning with a feeling that chilled me to the bone. 

"Try and figure out what Cheryl is planning with Jack and Chuck!"

Simple, right?

I always hated Riverdale. Bad memories of bullies and a feeling of never being pretty enough would haunt me forever.

"Oh, Olivia!" I turned around to find Cheryl waving me over to her. "Since your now officially a part of my so called squad and already a part of the Rivervixens, I would like to introduce you to my other friends." A heard a beep and Cheryl pulled out her phone. "Well speaking of friends one of them just texted me now."

"What did she say?"

She gasped and looked up at me, "Polly escaped from the looney bin."

Cheryl then forwarded the message to me and I pulled out my phone and pretended to look at the message, but instead I warned Marina.

Liv: Cheryl knows about Polly

Mari: Shit

Mari: Thanks we'll take care of it

"Umm, I have to go." I announced, running off before Cheryl could say anything.

I searched the halls until I found the person I was looking for.

"Lara, I need your help."

Marina's POV

"So Jug, where have you been staying?" I asked him. "I know that you found somewhere, but I don't want you out on the streets.

Archie, Jughead, and I were walking down the hallway to our next class.

He hesitated and Archie jumped in and answered for him.

"He's been at my place."

Now, I was no idiot and I knew that wasn't the case, but the look on Jughead's face made me not want to question him further.


Liv: Cheryl knows about Polly

Mari: Shit

Mari: Thanks we'll take care of it

"Hell to the no."

"What?" Jughead and Archie asked in unison.

"Somehow, Cheryl found out that Polly is missing."

Kevin, Betty, and Veronica were practically sprinting some the hall towards us.

"You guys, oh, my God." Kevin said breathlessly.

"We already know that Cheryl knows about Polly." Archie said.

"Oh my god!" Veronica sighed in defeat.

"But, you didn't see what Cheryl just tweeted."

"What do you mean tweeted?" I asked.

"I mean that she litterally tweeted  #PollyCooperKilledMyBrother, #NowhereToHide, #SharpenYourPitchforks."

Betty's eyes widened, "Oh, no. We need to find Polly before the Blossoms do."

This one was a little short, but I promise that the next one will be well worth the wait. 

QOTD: Thoughts on Casey Cott

AOTD: I'm sorry but how can you not love him? I mean not only is he just attractive in general, but he is a straight guy who isn't afraid to play a gay character. (Who might I add is portrayed amazingly) I need more Kevin.

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