Part 3

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"You always have secrets to tell me." Jughead sighed.

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, but this one's different."

"Just like the last one? And the one before that?" He smirked.

I punched him lightly, "Seriously, it's about Archie."

"Does he have a crush on some new girl?" He asked in exasperation.

I dropped to the floor and grabbed a small lockbox from under my bed.

"You could say that."

I pulled out the picture I had taken on July 4th and handed it to him.

"Is that..." Jughead trailed off.

"Yep, Miss. Grundy and Archie."

He threw it on the floor and rested his  forehead on his hand.

"He really messed up this time." I stated flatly.

Jughead looked over at me.

"Well no shit Mari." He said, rubbing his temples.

"What do you suggest we do?"

He got up and started digging through my safe.

"Hey! That's my personal stuff!" I exclaimed as I tried to grab it from him.

"I want to see what you have on me." He laughed.

Jughead: Hey Mari, can I tell you something

Marina: be my guest

"No!" I shouted and grabbed it from him.

His smile slowly changed into a frown, "You can't have anything that bad on me, can you?"

I shuddered at the memory of screenshotting the conversation we had last summer.

"Secrets are meant to be secrets Juggie." I declared while bopping him on the nose with my finger.

He smiled again, "Don't call me that."

"Why not Juggie?" I laughed.

He scrunched up his nose, "It's just so childish. We're not twelve anymore."

I giggled, "Well we're not six anymore either, but here you are sleeping over."


I searched through my closet for his sleeping bag.

Yes you heard me, his sleeping bag.  He left it here when he was younger since he came over so much.  It wasn't as bright of a blue as it used to be, but it still smelled like him.

"Umm, are you gonna stand there hugging my sleeping bag or give it to me?" He teased.

I threw it at him and laughed.

"Hey, you can't do that." He whined while attempting to untangle it from his head.

"Don't look! I'm changing!" I shrieked.

He froze and turned around, "What the hell!  Couldn't you have warned me?"

"I just did!"

He sighed, "Whatever just finish."

Luckily, I had only taken my shirt off and I still had a bra on.

"Alright you can look now."

He turned around and I could see his cheeks were still bright red.

"Wow, did I manage to fluster the great Jughead Jones?"

He hid his head and mumbled, "Oh, shut up."

Miss Atomic Bomb (Jughead Jones)Where stories live. Discover now