Part 15

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After the events of last night, I decided that I would go to bed on time before midnight for a change. And yes, I know that I sound like a typical teenager who stay up late watching Netflix, but the main reason is the nightmares.

I already touched on them before but, ever since the accident I've found it was hard to sleep with out horrific nightmares. They were always the same thing, my mother laughing and smiling, but then slowly blood starts to pour out of her mouth as her eyes roll into the back of her head. And the worst part is that she doesn't stop laughing, even while she's sputtering up blood.

But, I forced myself out of bed the next morning feeling a little more refreshed than usual.

So after slipping on an Adidas sweatshirt and some black skinny jeans, brushed my hair and applied some eyeliner.

"Mari, breakfast is ready!" My father called from downstairs, causing me to roll my eyes.

He knows I don't usually eat breakfast.

Just as I was about to open my door my brother burst into my room.


Max stood there staring at me with his jaw dropped.


He said nothing and shoved his phone in my face.

Max: lol so funny

Lily: ikr

Lily: u wanna go to the drive in with me? I heard it was the last night

Max: As friends right?

Lily: well I was thinking maybe more...

"Well Maximus," I laughed putting a hand in his shoulder. "welcome to the world of love."

His eyes were wide and he was almost shaking.

""What do I say?" He asked frantically. "I'm not good at this stuff."

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "You say yes, doofus."

He took a little too long processing the information and then ran back to his room.

I grabbed my glasses and flew down the stairs to find Isabelle sitting at the table talking to my dad.

"Umm," I said, interrupting them, "Why is Isabelle here?"

Isabelle turned around and blushed furiously.

"I came by to pick you up."

I raised an eyebrow.

"I don't remember us making plans to carpool."

My father laughed, "Well of course you didn't, I did."


"Well because you don't have a car and neither does Max."

I glared at him and then smiled at Isabelle.

"Well then, I guess we'll get going."

Max came.running down the stairs, well actually tumbling, shoving his phone in my face.

"We're going together!"

"Good job Maximus." I smirked, ruffling his hair, "Now listen to your Twenty One Pilots and leave me alone."

He scrunched his nose at me and I did the same.

"Alright you guys go ahead, but your taking Max with you." My father told us.

We all left and piled into her car.

"Thanks Izzy. It's okay if I call you Izzy, right?"

She rolled her eyes playfully, "It's fine."

-9:30 am.-

I ran up to Jughead and practically tackled him in a hug.

"Hey Juggie!"

He let go, startled.

"What's with you Mari?"

I breathed in, "I don't know, I just had a surprisingly good morning."

"Oh okay."

I smiled up at him and he smiled back.

In that moment everything was perfect. I had Jughead, a brother and father who loved me, friends who cared about me, a school full of opportunity, but of course all good things come to an end.

Archie barged into our conversation, ripping me from whatever planet I was on at that time.

"How hard would it have been to give me a little heads up?"

I sighed and pretended to pay little attention to him like Jughead as I helped hand out flyers.

"Look, I am by nature a conscientious objector, not saying anything to you or Betty was the most moral, apathetic choice I could make."

Archie looked frustrated and turned to me.

"Did you tell?"

"Archie, I have more important things to do than involve myself in your mess of a love life." I huffed.

"Well then how did she find out?"

I raised my voice a little bit more, "I think she figured it out herself! Alright?"

"She's not gonna right about me and Grundy in the paper is she? Like she did with Chuck?"

Jughead stopped what he was doing and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Dude seriously?" He grabbed my hand and motioned for the both of us to follow him. "Ok c'mon."

"Think about what your asking." He said finally when we got somewhere less crowded. "If there was even an iota of a chance that something could hurt you in any way, Betty wouldn't do it."

"Probably." I interjected, recieving an "Oh my god!" from Archie.

"She's kidding." Jughead rolled his eyes. "But maybe she has a point. What do you see happening with Grundy? Longterm? What do you want?"

Archie looked around and hesitated, "I want to be with her. I don't know how, but I want to hang on to what we have for as long as possible."

"Yep, I feel that." Jughead responded looking down at me.

"Wait what?" Archie asked woth an eyebrow raised.

I gaped at Jughead and pulled my hand away from his.

"He means the Drive-In." I said a little too fast, slapping a hand on the poster Jughead had just put up.

Jughead narrowed his eyes at me and Archie just shook his head.

"Just if Betty is going to do anything crazy can you please let me know so I can do something to stop it?"

But little did he know Betty was already doing something crazy as we spoke.

I'M SO SORRY I LIED TO YOU ALL. I said I would post on Friday but it's Monday now. I'm such a slacker. Anyway can we just talk about JASON'S FLIPPING KILLER LIKE HOLY HECK. I'm not gonna say anything in case you haven't seen it but like I was expecting his mom not you know who.

Anyway the season finale episode is this Thursday and I'm so sad, but once I finish writing this season I'll make a book two for season two!

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