Part 7

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"We're not dating!" We both exclaimed.

Veronica just smirked.

"Well it sure looks like it."

I realized that we were practically embracing each other and I quickly stepped away from him.

"We're not." Jughead said.

All she did was roll her eyes.

"Whatever, I just came over here to tell you Archie, Betty, and I are going over to Cheryl's house."

We both nodded.

"Okay well have fun." I smiled at her.

"Will do, you two enjoy yourselves." She waved while walking away.

I turned to Jughead.

"Are we going to Pop's or should we call it a night?"

"Oh we're going to Pop's." He announced as we started heading towards the door, "You know I would never miss the chance to get more food."

-9:30 pm.-

"Eww!" I shrieked as I pulled two maraschino cherries off the top of my milkshake.

"You still haven't gotten over the cherry thing?" He asked in exasperation.

"No! They're disgusting. I don't care if they're shaped like Ryan Gosling's face!"

"Well, we'll see if you still think that when we come across one." He joked.

We sat in silence for minute. It was a comfortable silence, not awkward like it was with most people.

"So how's Jellybean doing?" I asked him out of curiosity.

His eyes widened and he seemed taken aback by the question, almost too taken aback.

"She's, umm, good. Still as cool as ever."

I decided not to press him, even though I wanted to know more.

All of the other booths in the restaurant were empty and we were the only ones there.

My phone buzzed on the table and turned on to reveal a message.

Jack: I miss u Hawty! 😚

Jack: Please talk to me again! I can't bear u being mad at me!

Jack: I love u!💋💘

I quickly shut off my phone and I saw Jughead frowning.

"Who's Jack?" He asked seriously.

I rolled my eyes, "No one you would want to know, and someone I wish I didn't."

He pressed his lips on mine with force and furiously moved his hands through my hair. I kissed him back with just as much force, his tongue invading my mouth.

It was urgent and fast, maybe too fast.

"Jack!" I gasped as he moved away from my lips to my neck.

"What baby, am I moving too fast for you?" He smirked.

There was a hunger in his eyes, like I was a vulnerable baby gazelle and he was a lion who hadn't eaten in days.

Miss Atomic Bomb (Jughead Jones)Where stories live. Discover now