Part 17

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Jughead held open the door and I stepped inside the projection room.  It was the same as it always was, a little dusty, a little drafty, but it still had a homey feel to it.

The door shut behind me and I felt an arm on my shoulder.

"It's been so long since I've been here." I said turning to Jughead, "I'm sorry."

He smiled, "For what?"

"For all the crap I've put you through."

Jughead laughed, "You've already apologized for that."

"I know, but I'm talking about Jack and having to deal with me after the accident and getting you involv-"

Jughead cut me off and put a hand on my cheek.

"Marina, it's not your fault." He wiped off a tear I hadn't known was there, "I'm glad I'm involved or I wouldn't be a good friend would I?"

I sniffed and smiled weakly, "Or a good boyfriend."

Jug and I were a thing of course, but we never officially asked each other out. Not to mention no one really knew except for Camden, Jack, and maybe Kevin.

"Wait, you mean like official?" He asked with a brow raised.

I bit my lip, "Yeah... You want to?"

"Well in that case, yes."

He attempted to embrace me, but I jumped away and flopped onto his cot.

"You little-" he started to say until he spotted cars pulling in. "Wow, they're here already."

I won't lie, he looked adorable when he was all whooed like that.

"Well of course they are! It's the best movie and the best drive in." I piped as I hopped up.

He turned and smirked at me.

"I swear you are going to be the death of me Marina Joycelette."

I blushed and looked away.

When I looked back up he was right in front of me.

"Shut up." I whispered, half-laughing, half-dying inside as I looked down again.

"Mari," he said as I looked up into his eyes. He put his hands on my waist and I, instinctively, put my arms around his neck. "I want this to last, forever."

"Me too." I murmered so quietly I don't even know if Jughead heard me.

This next part would take no one by surprise: we kissed.

It was a soft and long kiss.  Not really passionate of forced, just soft and loving, comfortable even.

We finally broke away when Jughead's alarm went off.

It was 9:00 and time to start the movie.

He was about to start the film when I stopped him.

"Wait can I?"

He rolled his eyes and gestured to button that would start it.

Without any hesitation I pushed it.  The movie began to roll.

I sat down on the cot next to Jughead and wrapped the blanket around us.

"Where are you going to go now?"

He sighed, "I'll find somewhere. 

I layed my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me. 

And as the movie played on everything was great.

It's short but y'all deserved a little cutie chapter after my inactiveness. 

Miss Atomic Bomb (Jughead Jones)Where stories live. Discover now