The Ending

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I'm going to discuss each of my original characters and what happened to them in order to explain the ending of the story.

Olivia and Lara
Olivia learns to love herself through the peer therapy program and Lara tells off Jack.  The two of them also become lifelong friends and help Marina solve the mystery of Jason's death.

Jack attempts to hurt both Marina and Betty by teaming up with Chuck.  The plan itself was not a very good one and Jack ends up in a juvenile detention center after being found guilty of starting a fire which burned part of Marina's house.

Lily helps Max with his own struggles with his mother's death.  The two of them also get together for a bit, although once they get older they decide they are better as friends.  Lily also helps her sister deal with her insecurities about being adopted.

Isabelle is the one who witnessed Jack start the fire at Marina's house and she play a key role in getting him sent away.  She also learns that taking medication for her bipolar disorder is very important after having an episode.  She goes on to become self confident and she eventually forgive Cheryl for her wrongdoings.

Gavin (Marina and Max's father)
Marina's dad finally understands how to cope with losing his wife and emotionally losing his children.  He teaches Marina a lot and she also teaches him.

Max is one of Marina's biggest supporters throughout the entire story and he really helps her grieve for their mother.  He also comes to terms with his problem and Lily, his father, and Marina help him.

Camden becomes unashamed of her adoption and she becomes great friends with Marina.  She helps Marina cope with her problems as well and she convinces her to try medication as well as finding a new therapist who is actually good at their job.

Throughout the rest of the book Marina learned to cope with her Mother's death.  Jughead was the main one who helped Marina cope and come to terms with everything. Camden, Isabelle, Max, and all of the other characters also played a big role in helping Marina.  In the end Marina discovers the true murderer of Jason before everyone else and this leads to her death.  Clifford shoots her in the chest before she can tell anyone what she knows. Thankfully, this doesn't stop our beloved Jughead, Betty, Archie, and Veronica.

The Aftermath
Marina's death absolutely ruins Jughead, but he vows to find out who murdered her.  At her funeral, which was attended by all of her friends and family, he finds a clue left on her body (a bit of maple syrup in her hair) that leads him to Clifford.  The story ends like the show does.  Eventually, Jughead and Betty connect and inevitably get together. He never forgets his one and true love, Marina Joycelette.

Thank you so much for everything once again.  I read each and every one of your comments and they made me laugh so much.  Once again, I am very sorry.  I wish you all the best.

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