Chapter 1 ( Katy's POV)

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I headed home from the uni, when I decided to grab a quick drink before heading home. My favorite bar was just around the street. As I neared the corner it was located on, I could hear the faint clatter of drinking glasses and a football game on one of the many T.V.'s they had going on. James, the bartender was on duty tonight, like every other Thursday night, and as soon as he spotted me, he motioned me over.

"The usual?"

He asked me and I nodded. James placed a small glass in front of me and I took a sip of the liquid, which stung as it went down. After I paid, we chatted for a bit about the football game against Ireland on the television, and how the uni was going for my friends and I. I glanced up at one of the decorative clocks. Half past four.

"Goodbye James, of I don't get home soon, my flat mates will have my head"

He laughed,and motioned for me to go.

"See you around."

The walk home was relatively quiet for London, other than the sound of other than some passerby and some cars. It was also unseasonably warm for April. When I reached the complex where our flat was located, I had to place my bag on a bench and dig out my key. Exasperated, I took the lift up to the fifth floor and unlocked the door, almost scared to see what greeted me. All of my flat mates were home. Rebecca and Peggy were laughing, over what sounded like a shared joke, while One Direction played softly out of the speakers. Jess was sitting in the comfy Lay-Z-Boy recliner we had all invested on with a book and a cup of Jasmine tea next to her. I suspected she was reading The Hunger Games, she did love those books. Carolyn was singing and dancing very badly to Tell Me A Lie, which had just come on, and Riane had her head buried in the refrigerator.

"I'm home."

I announced and received mixed greeting of hellos. After shedding my jacket and bringing it up to my room that I shared with Rebecca, I placed my shoes by my bed and gazed longingly at my many posters of Niall Horan and One Direction. Our room, like most of their other girls, was plastered with poster, photos and drawings of One Direction. Riane and Carolyn shared a room, and you could easily tell whose side was whose. The line of One Direction and The Wanted was strong in their room.

I padded barefoot back downstairs with my backpack in tow. After grabbing a bottle of water and a granola bar from the kitchen,I plopped myself onto the love seat next and started my schoolwork.

"Need any help?"

Carolyn asked me, and sat down next to me to start her work also.

"I'm good, thanks mate."

I replied.

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