Chapter 29 (Carolyn's POV)

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Her body lay lifeless on the side of the road. The car sped away, and I couldn't even catch a single digit on the license plates.

"oh god."

I said and rushed over, feeling her wrist for something, anything. It was faint, but there,but she wasn't breathing.

"Someone call 911!"

I screamed and tears freely flowed down my cheeks.

"Louis! give me your phone!"

I heard Rebecca yell and he quickly handed it over to her. She was hysterically crying into the phone.

"My friend was in a hit-and-run accident, and she isn't breathing!"

She screamed the last part, and almost all the girls but me broke down into tears. No, I couldn't. Not here, not now, not with everyone. She gave the dispatcher the club address and hung up. Thirty seconds later, sirens sounded, and an ambulance came into view. The EMT's quickly put her lifeless body on a stretcher, and drove off to St.Mary's . We all piled into the car and followed the ambulance. When we got there, the nurses wouldn't let us see her, and we had to wait three hours.

"You lot can go in."

The nurse said and we all crammed into the small room, still in our partying clothes. The T.V. Was on, and Addie was watching a re-run of "Once Upon A Time". Thanks to her, Katy and Riane watched it religiously every Sunday night. She looked small and fragile. Her right leg was in a full cast, as well as her left arm, and there were a million cuts, bruises, and burns. She looked like shit.

"Are you okay?"

I said and cautiously sat down on the chair next to her. Addie looked so fragile, like we could lose her at any moment.

"I'm fine, the doctors said I was very lucky, but I'm going to have a shit load of scars."

I shivered, and Lou sat down next to me.

"Want my jacket, love?"

He asked means I nodded. Lou took his blazer off and handed it to me, and I kissed him gratefully. Jess burst into tears.

"I feel like this is our fault!"

She cried, and Addie tried to comfort her, but found it hard, so she patted her knee instead.

"It was my idea to go clubbing in the first place. It is no ones fault, except my own, for being stupid enough to stand so close to the street."

No one believed her.

"It is time for all non family members to leave, visiting hours ended three hours ago.".

The nurse came in. I walked over, and gently said goodbye, tears threatening to fall out of my eyes.

"Let's get you to the car, love."

Louis murmured, and I had just enough time to make it inside, when I burst into tears for the first time in front of my boyfriend.


Three Weeks Later...

It's been three weeks since the accident, and Addie was discharged today. She was finally going home, back to recover with her parents. I was over at Louis" and Harry's flat, having a very close Dance-Off with Louis on Just Dance 3.

"You are going down!"

Louis yelled, and missed a gold move in the process. The song ended, and I had won by a long shot.

"Oh! Don't get your carrots in a juicer!"

I snorted and he smiled at me, on of his earth-shattering ones.

"Let's get you home."

He said and walked me out to the car. I guess being at girlfriend of 1/5 of One Directions members is pretty awesome, but to me they are just five great guys.

"Guys! I'm home!"

I yelled and walked into the living room to a big surprise. Riane was there with Nathan Sykes, and had his lips pressed fervently to hers.

A/N: this is the LAST chapter! :(. There will be an Epilogue though :D

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