Chapter 24 (Katy's POV)

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Carolyn and Louis walked back downstairs from upstairs, and they both sat down on the love seat, her head resting in his shoulder. Within minutes, she was asleep. It was getting close to supper

"I'm going to order a pizza, I don't feel like cooking tonight."

I said and everyone agreed. When I got back from ordering, I noticed that Louis had also fallen asleep. Jess noticed too and snapped a picture.

"One for Twitter?"

I asked her and she nodded. 30 minutes later our pizza arrived, and Riane went to wake Carolyn and Louis up.

"Bloody hell! I can't get a wink of sleep around here without being worked up."

She fumed for a second, and Louis patted her hard and kissed her on the cheek.

"We have pizza."

Rebecca said. Carolyn immediately brightened up and ran over to the pizza box and grabbed two slices. The she sat back down and handed one to Louis.

"Peggy, get me a coke"

I called over to her and she chucked a can of it, which I can't expertly with one hand, and opened, sipping it happily. When I finished my dinner, I stood up and told the girls that I needed to shower.

I walked upstairs. My dressing gown was in the closet, and I grabbed it off the hanger, quickly grabbing aTowel for my hair from the linen closet as well. I turned on the shower and started to let the cold water run, waiting for it to warmup. When it did, I hopped in and breathed in the heady smell of my strawberry shampoo. After I was done, I turned off the water and stepped out into the cold room, shivering, and I quickly grabbed my dressing gown. Walking back into my room, I quickly grabbed a pair of knickers, a sports bra, a tank, and, and a pair of satin pajama shorts. Noise flooded down from the hall and got louder as Harry and Niall came upstairs, shirtless.

"Can we use the showers?"

Harry asked me.

"Yes, Harry, you can use Carolyn and Riane's shower, and Niall, you can use mine and Rebecca's shower."

Then Lou came

"Lou, you can use Peggy and Jess' shower."

"Thanks love."

Niall said and kissed me on the cheek, disappearing behind the door. One hour, eleven people, and several shampoos and conditioners later, everyone was clean.

Zayn was in the bathroom using Carolyn's hair dryer to fix his hair. Jess was watching T.V. With Riane, Peggy, Rebecca. Carolyn was playing what looked like a very suggestive game of charades with Louis, Harry and Niall. Liam, being the responsible one, Had his head buried In a book from Carolyn and Riane's extensive book collection.

"Liam, what are you reading?"

I asked him, and he held up The Hunger Games.

I smiled, nodding my approval.

"Good Choice"

He smiled, and bent back down in the book. Niall left the game, where Louis was attempting to kiss Harry, and he at down next to me on the love seat, where I had just sat down.

"Tired love?"

He asked me.

"Not really, just nerves, Addie is coming in two days. let's just say she is a fan."

Niall burst into later, and I had to join in with Niall Horan, my boyfriend, my little leprechaun, mine.

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