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Twilight was still upon us. The meeting was still gathering. This was taking too long. We needed to do something - and fast, Who knew what this was doing or what it was leading up to? Gally was supposed to be here; but, surprise, surprise, he wasn't. Lazy git.
As the last few people walked into the shelter, the questions began: "What is going on?"
"What are we going to do?"
"We aren't going to die. Wait, are we?"
"COULD EVERYBODY JUST SHUT UP! NEWT IS TRYING TO THINK, HERE!" Rose yelled over the rest of the voices and I nodded in thanks. She mouthed 'anytime' back at me and I got on with coming up with a plan. Thomas and Teresa just stared at her - obviously, Rose hadn't been the loud one back when we had a life. "Right. Welcome. I would say don't panic, but I am not sure whether we should be panicking or not. All I know, is that we have to get out of here. Soon." I looked at my crowd, giving out encouraging glances to those that I thought might have an idea of what to do.
"Minho. How far are you and the runners at, at cracking this darn thing?"
"Still a bit off." He stared at his boots, as though something interesting was etched into them which he couldn't figure out.
"What's wrong?" I could tell that something was bothering him.
"Well, let's just say that we could all be out of this mess if Gally hadn't been the prick he is  and sworn me to secrecy. Correction, threaten me to secrecy." His eyebrows furrowed and he scrunched up his nose. Bloody Gally!
"What could he threaten you with to be so bad?" There was nothing to hide here. Nothing. "Come on Minho. We don't have much time. We could all be safe by this time tomorrow if you just tell us!"
"Uhhhhhh. Um. Well, you know how we are allowed to order one thing to come up in the lift every month? And how we all say that we have to share it and it has to be resourceful? Uh, well, I got hair gel. I could get us all out of here if you promise not to tell Gally I told you all. Deal?" Hair gel?! Seriously?! Biggest joke of my life! I couldn't hold in my laughter and neither could Rose. As soon as her chuckles filled the room, Thomas and Teresa began too along with gestures of putting hair gel in their hair and making jokes between themselves. Minho just smirked but couldn't be bothered to lift up his head.
All of a sudden, a little hand touched my shoulder and whispered in my ear: "If he knows how to get out, shouldn't we go now?" Rose stood there with her big, blue eyes, shivering. I hadn't noticed it was cold. But it wasn't cold, she was shaking because she was frightened. She was the newest member here so she had a lot of disadvantages - as well as that, she was probably one of the youngest at 16 and one of the only girls. My arms moved with a will of their own and enclosed her as my head rested on her soft hair. I could feel her relax and stop shivering; nothing could stop the anxious look on her face, though. "Everything is going to be okay." I told her, even though I wasn't sure of it myself.
"Is it really?" She pulled away, hastily. "You may be my friend, but I don't think that I will EVER believe that, Newt." I understood what she meant. Everyone gathered their things and Minho prepared for sunrise to help us escape. Only one obstacle lay in our path - Gally.

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