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As the light from the sun bleed into my eyes, all I could see was a mass of brown hair and irresistible brown eyes. Jacob. "Hi there! Nice nap?" He asked giving a little chuckle as he said it.
"Ha ha very funny." I answered, sarcastically (what else would you expect?!).
Newt sprinted over when he saw my wide eyes. "Everything okay?" I nodded, which made him seemed pleased with himself. "Thomesa may be a thing...They went behind a tree, had a chat and then Leah interrupted their chinwag and maybe, quite possibly a lip wag and then Teresa left them to it with a huge grin on her face and has now been in a giddy mood all day." My eyebrows moved like they had a mind of themselves as they travelled up my sweaty forehead.
"Where is Thomas now?" I needed to speak with him immediately.
"Still behind the tree, probably taking a piss. Leah went off and 'changed'." He said the word so slow, it was as though he was afraid that it could hurt me.
"I'm fine Newt. It was just surprise, that's all." I knew I was lying and I think he did too, but we went our separate ways which meant that I had a rather embarrassing moment with Jacob in which, I bumped into his road chest and slammed my head into his jaw. "Sorry!" But he didn't seem to be in any pain. Wrapping his arms round me, he gave me a tight squeeze which almost squashed my lungs. Newt was a way better hugger, but Jacob was a way fitter guy.
"Do you want to know what your bro and Leah were talking about?" I nodded eagerly as Jake walked off and turned into his cuter wolf self and then quickly reverted back to human, making sure to cover his bits as he did so - although, on the inside I wished that he didn't have to do that at all.
"Leah has a tiny girl crush on young Teresa. Drama there, eh?" He smirked and got back to the story. "As I was phasing back though, Sam phased and heard everything between me and Leah. When Leah had gone, he to.d me how he felt and how jealous he was; Seah or what?!" He seemed excited and beamed down at me. So wolf telepathy was a thing? Wowzers! He made me smile.
Soon, though everything changed, for the worst. The sky turned a horrific grey as the sun all but disappeared behind thick, bulbous clouds. Thomas rushed out from behind the tree and grabbed Teresa, who then made their way towards me. Newt was by my side in a flash and as was Jacob. Sam phased into a pitch black beast and Leah, into a snowy one.
One thing was amiss in all of this though - a group of what seemed like people were painfully making their way toward us, but Brook remained unseen.

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