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The people were consistently getting closer. Quicker and quicker. In numbers greater than we could imagine. They were led by a man in a large black cape with jet black hair scraped back into a tight ponytail. His skin seemed to be the same color as Brook's - hold on, where was Brook? Usually, he would be glued to Rose, but taking his place was the ever stunning Jacob. I had to admit, I was jealous. I had saved her life once and saved her body from pain of impact twice. All he had done was look good.
Anyway, I had to ignore my repulsive thoughts as I gathered round the huddle of our group. Leah and Sam stood like outcasts away from us and just watched whilst Thomas reappeared from behind the tree, zipping up his pants. So he had taken a piss; otherwise, he probably just did something really weird. He joined Teresa and they embraced as he saw the mass of figures approaching us. His mouth hung wide open, just waiting for a fly to enter it.
Rose clutched Jacob as her nails slowly cut deep into his skin, but it didn't seem to bother him. Brook suddenly reappeared and laughed, an evil grin on his face. "What Brook? ANSWER ME!" Rose finally snapped, making me chuckle to myself. His frown couldn't have been more funnier even if he tried.
"The have come to kill you all." Once again, he laughed.
"Who?" Me and Rose said in unison.
"The Voltori." I didn't know who they were, but whoever they were, they sounded evil (Twilight reference).
"We aren't the Voltori. We are much worse than the Voltori." A voice echoed through the skies. Shit. We were in trouble.
"Brook, step forth." As he did so, the man leading the tribe grabbed his head in a rich and twisted. Rose looked away, dumbfounded. A loud crack made its way to my ears as his head was ripped from where it hung. A large fire was made and cracking away and his body was dumped on it, turning slowly to ashes.
It all happened so fast, and before I knew it, we were running, sprinting, pushing and shoving to get away. Jacob changed, as did Leah and Sam. I herded Rose and Thomas with me as we entered a cave.
As soon as we were in there, a low whistle filled the space. The cave's decaying walls shook as small pieces of rock shifted and fell. Someone entered - Teresa. We all exhale with a sigh of relief. We thought we were dead.
Then, the awful sound of clacking entered and a voice rang in my mind, rattling my eardrum. "You can't escape from me." he readied himself murmured an incantation (at least I thought that's what it was). Being the stupid and headstrong girl she is, Rose interrupted him, throwing him in a rage of anger. "GET AWAY FROM ME, GIRL!" And he threw a sharp needle at her side. A needle filled with Griever venom - and the worst thing was, was that I could do nothing to help her. Except avenge her killer. I grabbed my sword and waved it at the man who just laughed.
Sam's wolf self tore the man's head off just as he was about to lunge for me. The man was dead and something told me that the wolves were going - for good. 
Slowly, I turned back round to face Rose. Thomas's face was snowy white, as was Teresa's. I understood why.

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