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His skin was tanned and beautiful as sweat dropped off of his neck and onto his chest. The eyes were deep brown with a perfect roundness to them that made me smile - his hair slumped on his head as brown locks adorned it, completing the bad boy look. This guy was way better than Brook even though Brook could sparkle in the light.
Alongside him was a man and woman - the woman had the same matted chestnut hair, cut short as well as a scraggly looking dress and no shoes. As for the man, he was shirtless with a bump to his perfect abs, making him uglier than the leader; he had midnight black hair and pitch place eyes that sunk into his head.
When Brook had hissed, he had startled me and now he stood defensively in front of me, twisting my wrist to make sure that I was still there and would stay there. "Brook, you're hurting me!" I whispered, not wanting to startle him the way that he had startled me. Loosening his grip a little, I could tell he was about to loose it with these stunning intruders.
Coming closer, they were within talking distance and so, they started up a rude conversation with Brook. "Well, hello there bloodsucker. Thought we had had enough of you to last a lifetime but then I remembered - lifetimes don't exist in your eyes. Let go of the girl, can't you see that she's in pain?" Brook still wouldn't break his stance, or his grip.
"What do you want, mongrel?" Every gawped at that; how could anyone be so horrid to someone so perfect? The man chuckled.
"We were on our way back home and then we crossed their scent and yours, so we made our way back here. Oh, and the name's Jacob, by the way."Jacob. Such a wonderful name. "This is Leah," pointing to the woman, I noticed that her eyes were glued to something else, but couldn't work out what. It seemed as though she were looking at Teresa but I didn't think that possible. "And, this, is Sam." He gestured towards the other man who nodded to us all. They all took a tiny step closer towards us and Brook totally lost it.
"STAY AWAY! HOW DARE YOU COME HERE, DOG?!!" Considering the rage he was in, his voice still rang, brightly through the air. Newt took a worried step by my side as everyone else took one step back.
"You are calling me a dog? A dog is nothing on a bloodsucker! Do any of you know what secrets lay hidden beneath his not so perfect looks?" Nobody moved. "You haven't told them?! He's a vampire! You think you are all safe, but really he just wants your blood." Everyone gasped. He didn't want just anyone's blood, he wanted my blood.
The world began to span as I fell into Newt's arms and Jacob rushed over to see if I was okay. Suddenly, everything I knew was turned upside down...

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