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Rose has really surprised me! Who knew she could shout that hard? Newt had not been expecting my little firecracker of a sister to do that for him.
That was what had been going round in my mind before the derelict seeming gates screeched themselves open, allowing monsters of any sort to come and attack us. As my eyes peeled open, i noticed that Teresa was lying, asleep in the hammock next to mine. God, I loved the way her hair deflected light and waved perfectly around her face. I loved the way her skin was a porcelain colour, like a little china doll. I loved the way her peircing blue eyes looked, questioningly at me - wait, what?! Shit. When I realised that she had noticed me a flipped off of the side of my hammock and landed, lopsided onto my arm and let out a groan of pain. The onto noise I heard was a tinkling chuckle of noise and saw Teresa clutching her stomach and keeling over in laughter. "Shut up." I grinned at her and she grinned back.
"Make me!" And her laughs continued to shake the ground.
"Guys! Shut up and get ready to go!" Rose strolled over with a sickening smile adorning her face. She was up to something. "Stop gawking and get walking!" She was sooooooo impatient!
"Fine, fine, fine!"
"Teresa, Newt wants a word." she shot Teresa a warming glance and turned back towards me. "You want to hug her, you want to kiss her, you want to touch her." She was living up to her name - unfortunately. I decided to let this one slip and get going.
"Hey, Rose?" I asked her.
"Yeh? What's up big bro?" She shot me a cheeky grin and carried on walking towards the walls encasing us in the maze.
"Do you know what has happened to Gally? If he could, he would be trying to stop us right now." It has occurred to me how weird it was the the one person who hated the idea of leaving this 'haven' wasn't trying hard to stop us from escaping.
"Oh. That sour looking guy? He's all tied up at the moment." And she let out a little chuckle. Trust her to be humorous at a time like this! At least nobody could stop us now.
As we got ever closer to the rest of the boys, we could here the whoops of joy that everyone was giving at the fact that they could be back with their families soon. Every single one of them was beefing from ear to ear - except from Teresa. I decided then and there that I was going to make sure that a smile was embedded in that perfect face of hers. "Teresa! Oi! Over here!" She trudged over to where I stood and gave me a deadly glare.
"What?" she said, moodily.
"What's the matter? Do I have to tickle you to find out?" She still didn't reply so I decided to stick to my word and started to tickle her which I knew, when I looked back on it, that I was sure to cringe. But, it put a smile back on her face and she started to tickle me back, making be plead her to stop.
"Hey lovebirds." It was Rose. Again.
"What now?" she frowned slightly upon hearing my tone.
"We are about to leave now so get your stuff ready. Wouldn't like anything to be accidentally left behind now, would we?" She stormed off, back to Newt who always seemed to make her grin within 0.01 seconds of being with her. I envied Newt for that.
"You shouldn't be so hard on her, you know. She is only looking out for you and doing her job; significantly well, in my opinion." Teresa gave me a stern look and grabbed my arm as she dragged me towards the group. Looking behind me, I gave the glade one last glance before we entered the maze and left for good. Serenity was bliss.

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