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The light was blinding. The pain was almost unbearable. Almost. If it wasn't for Newt's voice egging me on, I am not sure that I would have lived.
Ripping themselves open, my eyes landed on Newt. He was red with a big, soppy grin on his face. Suddenly, his face wasn't just red with that grin, it was beautiful, pristine and perfect in every way. I loved the way his bright eyes reflected my face. I loved the way his skin glowed when he was happy. Butterflies made themselves known as we agree into each other's eyes - I think I like him.
Once the staring was over, I noticed Teresa and Thomas looking at me with flustered faces as though they had just run a marathon. It confused me. Thomas was sweating like a hog with water dribbling down his face, whilst Teresa was slightly damp with an embarrassed smile. What had they been up to?
Glancing back up, all I could say was, "Newt, you saved me." Before we could embrace, my mind went fuzzy and everything changed. The room seemed to shift. The cracked walls seemed to morph in my vision - what was going on? That's when I knew that I just had to get out of here. A memory haunted at the back of my mind. I knew how to get out of this blasted maze. I knew. The answer was in this room.
Racing over to a crevice in the cave, I saw a tiny gap barely visible. Weirdly, the floor was covered in sweat and stains - lord knows what happened there! I guessed that maybe my brother had got a little too carried away with Teresa in my short absence. Chuckling at the idea, I tried shifting the gap, maybe open it more; but nothing would budge. "Newt. Could I maybe have some help?" I stuttered. Shivering, I peeked out and gestured for him to come over. He came and placed his hands on mine,
"Don't do anything. You need rest. Let me and Thomas do it. Okay?" Feebly, I nodded at his request. Lifting his hands, I couldn't hold back a tiny whimper - they had been so warm and welcoming, I just wanted them to stay there forever. Teresa wandered over and I could smell Thomas's scent in her tangled hair. Wow. My brother moved quickly.
Groaning, Newt and Thomas finally made the wall moved a millimeter. It was going to take a lot more than that to do it. 
Minho came in to join us and helped with the wall, creating a slightly bigger gap. A human sized gap. A gap big enough for the largest member of our group. We finally had hope! And it certainly wasn't false hope either!
Sliding through, we were in a bright, white room. Newt grabbed my waist - I had to admit, that turned me on. Gasping, I realized that it felt good and I wished that he could have held me like that sooner. The light was bouncing off of the ceilings and walls and was blinding everyone. "Well, well, well." A voice boomed over an intercom speaker. "You survived." Heels clicked on the marble floor as a middle aged woman with glossy, white hair rounded a corner and greeted us with a disgusted look on her face. She made it sound like a bad thing that we defied death. Maybe it was. Newt pulled me closer, protecting me from her vile and repulsive looks. "Go and enjoy your freedom - while it lasts." A low howl was let out from her mouth as she cackled away to herself. What had she meant? I didn't want to find out.
Rushing to get some fresh air, we went through a door and came face to face with a glittering ocean. It was stunning.
Whisking me away, Newt slipped his hand into mine as we went to walk the coastline. Thomas and Teresa were left snagging each other's faces off - well, at least something good came out of this.
"So...uh...something has been playing on my mind since your almost death. What exactly did you mean by your last words to me?" He looked puzzled, confused. That made me laugh.
"That face! It cracks me up every time! I confuse you on purpose just so that face can take over your expression. It makes me happy." He relaxed and laughed with me. "Who saved me? I knew I was dying - I could feel it. What happened?" He stopped laughing and tensed back up.
"Long story. Everyone thought that you were already dead - I believed it but a thought came to me. All that had happened was the fact that a Griever stung you. I realized that there was a cure, we just never had the need for it. I saved you Rose. I saved you because I...because I love you." I was speechless. Standing there, astounded, my mouth open like a fish, I still couldn't help a wave of relief washing over me. He felt the same way?! He loved me?! ME?!
Kissing him, I realized how easy it was. It all just seemed to fall into place like the last piece of a jigsaw puzzle.
Our time in the maze may have been over, but that didn't bother me. Me and Newt were all that mattered.
But deep down, I knew that I needed to remember those who died - I promised myself that every night, I would light a candle and come to this very cliff.

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