Being his Anchor.

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I was nervous. I was scared. I was moving in with my dad and brother in whom which I hadn't saw 16 years. My dad was a cop, and my older brother was my older brother. Ha. His name was Stiles. And I called dad.. Mr. Stilinski. I mean, come on you don't just miss 16 years of someone's life and come out and say "hey dad!" No.
We pulled up, into the drive way. I was admiring the CJ Jeep that was parked infront of us. 😍 I had a yellow one just like it, coming in. They told Mr. Stilinski it should be here by the end of the week. Yellow was my favorite color. I looked around at my surroundings. We had an in ground pool. Coooool. 😍 Stiles came running outside. He gave me a hug. Well alright. He smelled good. We all grabbed bags and packed them in. They made me stand in the hallway with my eyes closed. My room was suppose to me a "surprise." 😛 I heard the door open and Stiles told me to walk in. I walked in. It was beyond beautiful. The walls were yellow. My name was hanging over the bed, in wooden letters painted pink. 💕 I had a desk, infront of my window, with a laptop sitting on it. It was beyond perfect. My tv was mounted on the wall. I turned around and thanked them. "Yeah. Lydia helped." Stiles said. I do infact remember Lydia. She came to Kentucky, once. She was nice, and so pretty. "Thank you, Mr. Stilinski." He cleared his throat. "Uh, call me dad." I smiled. He told me to call him "dad." Stiles pushed me towards the closet. "Go on. Open it." He told me. I slid the door back, and they're was such a variety of clothing it was breathtakingly beautiful. 🙌 I turned around and thanked them, and then I felt something tap my shoulder. I screamed, and turned around to face.. Makayla. I screamed and hugged her. "We'll leave you two, to catch up." Stiles said. He closed the door. I turned around, and faced Makayla again. "So wanna help me unpack?" I asked. She hesitated but said yeah. We walked over and piled the bags on the bed. "Nice to see you're a light packer." I laughed. I unpacked my clothes and put them with the rest. Dad came upstairs and said he had to go out dispatch called and said their was a robbery in progress. What kind of idiot does that? A few minutes later, Stiles knocked on the door and asked if we wanted to go driving around. "Where to?" I asked. I flipped his keys around his finger. "I dunno. Just anywhere." Makayla and I agreed and got in Stiles' jeep. We were sitting there, and I turned on the radio. "Bottoms up," by Brantley was on. We pulled up to somewhere I had no clue of. I saw a dirt bike pull up in the side mirror. He motioned for Stiles to come over to him. Stiles got out, and walked over. They done a whole handshake, so I assumed they knew each other. Stiles got back in, and asked if we wanted to go to a party. Makayla and I agreed and we followed behind Scott. When we got there, the smell of desperation and alcohol was very well in the air.

We walked in the house, kids were in every corner, doing God knows what. I followed behind Stiles and Scott, Makayla and I side-by-side. We walked in, and followed the boys to the kitchen. Lydia and Alison were standing there. Stiles hugged Lydia, and I stood there awkwardly until Lydia shrieked,"MORGAN! Oh my gosh! It's been forever! My, you've grown right up." She hugged me. Lydia was so sweet. She was really pretty too. I turned around to face Makayla when she and Scott started walking to the other side of the counter. Hmm, okay then. I turned to face Lydia and she smiled at me. I smiled back and I heard Stiles,"Her? That's my sister. Come meet her." I turned around only to see the most beautiful thing ever. He shuck my hand. It was like he hypnotized me. I starred speechless. "I'm Isaac. Isaac Lahey." I must've looked stupid because Lydia nudged me. "Morgan." He smiled at me stupidity probably. Stiles walked over to Lydia. I stood there just looking around, when Isaac bent down. "Wanna go for a walk?" I shook my head yes, and we walked out the front door. I felt a slight weight lifted off, once I felt the cool, fresh hit my face. We started walking, towards the way we came up the road. "So you're Stiles' sister, huh?" I laughed,"yeah. He's somethin'." Isaac laughed. He looked down at me. "So. Tell me about yourself." I looked up at him. "Well, I just moved here today. I'm 16, a junior. I play, softball and basketball, and I kinda dance. My favorite color is yellow, and I didn't know I had a brother and a dad for 16 years of my life." He looked at me, with a funny look. I probably just chased him away I thought to myself. "So Isaac Lahey.. Tell me about yourself." I said. He looked at me, and smiled. "Hmm, I'm 17, a senior. I play lacrosse and do track. My favorite color is red. And my father.. Well he, uh, he use to abuse me." My face folded with horror. I felt so awful. He looked so innocent. How could anyone want to abuse that? We got to the end of the road, and decided we should turn around. The walk back we laughed, and goofed around. Makayla road back with Scott. Stiles had already left.. Leaving me. I looked around. Isaac laughed. "Looks like I'm taking you home." I smiled. We got in his truck. He took me home and pulled up in my drive way. "We should go on a walk sometime again." He laughed. I smiled. "Tomorrow. See ya." I laughed. Maybe.. Just maybe, Beacon Hills would be great.

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