Chapter 4.

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I woke up, noticing Lydia was gone. I checked my phone. Text from Stiles. "Hey. I took Lydia home. Scott and Isaac are still there. Be back soon." Okay. I got up out of my bed, and woke Makayla up. It was 1:17 pm. Wow. 😳 the phone rang, I ran downstairs and answered it. It was dad. "Hello?" I said. "Hey good you're awake. There's food in the oven. I'll be home late tonight. You guys be good and have fun. Bye." I smirked. "Bye dad." I hung up the phone and walked back upstairs. Isaac was crossing the hall, from the bathroom. I looked down, at my feet. It's a bad habit. He smiled. "Goodmorning." I laughed. "Good afternoon." He looked at me. "What time is it?" I looked at him. "About 1:30." His eyes got really big, I had to laugh. 😂 I walked back in my room Makayla was getting her clothes out of her bag, and went in my bathroom to change. I walked over, and got out an old pink basketball shirt, and got out black nike shorts. She walked out with the same thing on, only a purple shirt. Unplanned. I put my hair up in a ponytail. She did too. Matching to the end haha. We walked out back, and I we got on the golfcart. We rode around until Isaac texted me. "Where's ya go?" I sent him back a picture of us on the golfcart. He texted back. "Pick Scott and me up." I laughed. "Scott & I**" I texted back. We swung back around and picked them up, Makayla got in the back with Scott and Isaac got upfront with me. We passed Stiles and he waved. We all waved. We drove around a few more times, until Stiles told us to come back. We did. We walked in the house, he brought back Pizza. We all ate, until Scott's phone started to ring. He got up and walked away and answered it. He told Stiles and Isaac to come over there. They all 3 turned around and looked at us. Scott came over to us. "We need you guys to meet someone. It's time." I looked over and Stiles and Isaac they were talking amongst themselves. I heard Stiles say,"man that's my sister. Nothing better happen to her." I was scared. Makayla and Scott rode in Isaac's truck, and I rode with Stiles and Isaac in Stiles jeep. I was quiet and scared. What did he mean by,"nothing better happen to her."? We pulled up by what looked like to be an abandoned warehouse. Derek walked out. Derek. I haven't saw him in forever. He came to Kentucky with Lydia. They're good friends. He walked out and motioned for us to come in, so we started to walk. Stiles told Makayla & I to stay behind him and the boys. I was officially scared. Derek wasn't exactly the nicest human..

We walked in, and walked towards what looked like maybe a living room? I have no clue. He brought out chains and ropes. Oh. My. God. What is this? Isaac came back to where I was and said,"don't be scared. I won't let anything happen to you." I looked ahead. Derek looked around and smiled. "Who's first?" Scott stepped up. He put the cuffs on Scott and chained him, to a steel beam pole. Isaac stepped up and he chained him to a bench. I watched as he chained them to these and all I could ask myself was why? Derek looked at Makayla & I. "Im doing this because you girls need to know and not be afraid. Tonight's the full moon, and it's the strongest it's ever been. You all need to be ready for anything." I spoke up,"why are you telling us this?" He smirked. "So you don't know?" Isaac cut him off. "Derek no!" Derek ignored him. He started speaking again. "Your "boys" are werewolfs." I started laughing. Everyone was serious. Even Makayla. I calmed down. I cleared my throat. "Continue." He turned around. "They're gonna wanna kill anyone and anything that gets in their way tonight. They're beast. Show them boys." Derek started to whisper something. They both wolfed up. I jumped back. Their eyes were glowing. It wasn't Isaac. I was scared. Isaac screamed. "How do we control this?" Through gritted teeth. "Find an anchor!" He paused. "Something meaningful." Scott looked at Makayla. I turned around. I was scared. Stiles put his arm around me. "Maybe we should go." I started to walk out, with Stiles and Makayla. Derek came over to us. "I didn't mean to scare you girls. I figured you had a right to know. I'm sorry." I walked out. And got in Stiles jeep. He handed me the keys. "Here. You drive this. I have to drive Isaac's truck." Makayla rode with me. The ride home was quiet, until she told me. "I knew Scott was. He showed me, before we left the movies." I looked at her. "Did you know Isaac was one?" She shook her head no. "Scott didn't mention anything about Isaac." We got home. I asked Stiles if he knew. He said yeah. Did everyone know they were wolfs except me?! 😳

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