Chapter 25.

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I was sleeping so good. So so good. Someone turned on my light. It was Isaac. He was smiling. I groaned. "Nice to see you too." I looked at my clock. "Isaac it's 6:30. WHY? It's a Saturday." He turned my light off, and laid down with me. "I wanted to have a day with you, but I'm guessing it can wait." I felt kinda bad. I looked at him. "Can we do it later? Like when were both awake and fully in the world?" He laughed. "Yeah. I guess." He kissed my forehead, & told me to go back to sleep. You ain't gotta tell me twice. ✌️ I was out. I woke up. It was 10:20. Isaac was gone. I got out of bed, & brushed my teeth. I walked downstairs Isaac was sitting on the couch, listening to Stiles sing, he looked enthused. He saw me coming downstairs and jumped up. "Hey. You ready?" I looked down at my apparel. "Isaac. I'm in my pajamas. Does it look like I'm ready?" He laughed. I walked back upstairs and put on my nike shorts, a grey shirt with a nike stripe, & I put on the nikes Makayla got me. I straightened my hair, and walked downstairs. I grabbed my phone and my keys and Stiles left too. He went to get Lydia. We pulled up to the movies, and Isaac smiled at me. I rolled my eyes. "No." He looked back at the theater. "Oh yes." I got out of his truck and slammed the door. Yes. He pissed me off. He knows I hate scary movies but he does this to me. He looked at me. I walked on. He grabbed my shoulder. "Look I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd be mad about it." I turned back around and walked in. He walked in after me. "2 tickets to Devils Due please." She handed him the tickets and smiled. We walked in the theater. We sat at the main back. He sat on the edge, and I sat beside him. "Look. I'm sorry. I should've told you where we were going." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. You should've." He let out a "shew." I crossed my arms, and put my feet on the seat infront of me. The movie started. Son of a gun, if I hadn't already jumped. He rejected me. He rejected me when I jumped to him. "Pissy much?" I asked. He looked over at me. "You're the one being a big baby about a fake stupid movie!" I rolled my eyes, and looked at the screen. I jumped everytime I swear. Now I was gonna need someone to come freaking pee with me for a month. Makayla texted me. "Hey. Where are you?" I texted her back. "At the movies, fighting with Isaac." She called me, I walked out. "Why are you all fighting?" She asked. I took a deep breath "because he knows I hate these scary movies, and he brings me here. I was in a bad mood already, and he brings me here to watch this movie. He's making me mad." She sighed. "Just keep calm, and watch what you say." I thanked her and hung up. I walked back in. Isaac was on the phone with Scott. He hung up when I sat down. We didn't talk for the rest of the movie. When the movie was over we went to Cheddars. He looked at me. "I'm sorry." He looked past his head then up at the ceiling. "Me too, I guess." The food came. We were almost done, and Natalia came up. "Isaac. I've missed you so much. I'm sorry I left." I slammed my fork down. "Umh. Hello. On a date here." She looked at me and rolled her eyes. "Isaac. Please. Just talk to me." He didn't look up. I stood up. "Did you not get enough at school?" She laughed. "No wonder he doesn't want you anymore. You won't put out." I slammed my fists down. "Because I have respect for myself enough to wait." She laughed. "So Isaac. I enjoyed our conversation last night. Call me again." She winked and walked off. I looked at Isaac, and walked out. He was coming behind me. "Morgan. Morgan. No. Come on wait. Please." I was crying. I turned around. "No. No. I am done giving chances, and looking past things Isaac! She's not gonna stop until she gets what she wants and that's obviously you. And that phone call? I hope she was worth loosing me." I walked on. He got in his truck. "What are you gonna do? Walk home?" I cocked my head. "Yeah. Fresh air will do me some good." He stopped. "Morgan. Just please get in the truck." I stopped. "If I wasn't terrified of the dark, I would so walk." I got in. We argued the whole way home. I got out and walked in. We had both been crying. I walked in and he started yelling. I turned around. "I have had enough feeling worthless. Maybe I am. But as my "boyfriend" you're suppose to help me. Not bring me down. And I'm sick of getting my @$$ chewed when it's not my fault. You screwed up this time buddy, and I'm not taking the blame. Maybe were not meant to be. Sure I've had fun. But I'm done." He looked at me speechless. Makayla and Scott stood up. "You both can work this out." I looked over. "No. Maybe this is the end. Now he can call Natalia all he wants." I walked upstairs, and fell on my bed. I was crying. Makayla walked in, so did Lydia. "What even happened?" I sat up. "Natalia & lots and lots of arguing." I got up and jerked the canvas off my wall, took the ring off and walked downstairs. He got up and walked over to me. I handed him his things, and he looked at me. I walked back upstairs. I turned my light off. I wasn't used to going to bed without Isaac. Or without him beside me. This would take some getting used to.

I woke up the next morning. My eyes were swelled and dry. They ached too. I walked downstairs. Everyone was sitting on the couch. I walked over and sat on the fire place. Everyone looked at Isaac. Except me. Stiles stood up. "Who wants to go swimming?" Not me. He looked at me. "Come on sis. It'll get your mind off things." I looked around and walked out the back door. I started playing ball. I had to stop that because it got me thinking of the game Isaac and I never finished. Soon, I just went to my room and laid there. Everything I did reminded me of Isaac. Stiles and Scott walked in my room. "We're not telling you to take him back. But you're both miserable, & as your friends we don't like seeing you that way." I shrugged my shoulders. "Well. If you need to talk. I'm here." Scott said. I switched cases, and walked out to the pool deck. Lydia and Makayla came over to me. They sat down with me. Stiles walked over from the basketball court. "I know. Let's go get pizza. Pizza makes everything better." I laughed and stood up & hugged him. "Thanks for being a good brother." He smiled and patted my back. I walked over and got in Makayla's truck. I sat upfront. Isaac rode with Lydia and Stiles. We walked in, and I immediately regretted it. All I wanted to do was cry. I went to stand up and go to the bathroom and if course I bumped into Isaac. I walked around him, and walked to the bathroom. Lydia and Makayla walked in, and we talked. I walked outside. Stiles got the pizza to go. When we got home I didn't eat. I just walked outside and rode my golf cart. I was willing to do anything to stop crying and get him off my mind.

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