Chapter 21.

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Dad woke me and Stiles up. It was 6:15. I shook Makayla and she got up, surprisingly no problem. Lydia got up with her eyes closed. 😂 Scott and Isaac slept until 6:30. Stiles had to get up and take a shower. Everyone else took one last night. Makayla and Lydia were happy. "First day is senior year!" They squealed. I was straightening my hair, and I laughed. "First day of Junior year!" I said sarcastically. We turned on the tv, and turned it to CMT. We laughed because "Fifteen," by Taylor Swift came on. Makayla looked at me. "Hey Morgan! Remember this song?" I laughed. "Shut up." I went to the bathroom, and put my clothes on. I brushed my teeth, grabbed my bookbag and walked downstairs, Lydia and Makayla behind me. It was 7:25. Dad looked at Stiles & I and smiled. "Get together. I need a first day of school picture." I looked at Stiles. "Oh god. He wasn't kidding was he?" Stiles laughed. "He never kids, about pictures." He took the picture, gave us money, and said he had to go back to the case today. We left for school. I let Isaac drive. I turned on the radio. "Rewind," by Rascal Flatts was on. Isaac turned it down. "Listen, I don't know what classes Jackson has or what he's capable of. If you go anywhere, don't go without one of us, or Aiden or Ethan!" I nodded my head, and he turned it back up. My phone vibrated. Dad put the picture online. "My beautiful kids." Bahahaha. We pulled up in about 25 minutes. I got out. Isaac put the keys in his pocket. 7:45. "Well. We've got 15 minutes to class. Let's go her our locker combinations." Scott said. We all walked to the main office. All our lockers were right beside one another. I looked at my paper. Locker 703. Combination: 44;48;26. Lydia grabbed Makayla and I and pulled us down the hall. "They usually call for cheer in free period." She said, excited. We laughed & the bell rang. We walked to class. Mr. Harris, told us to have a good day; & be quiet. Mkay. 👌🙌 I sat with Lydia, leaving Isaac with Stiles. 😂 in 2nd I sat with Isaac. Nothing happened in there either, but we had to write a paper over our summer break. We turned it in, & the bell rang. We walked to 3rd. Natalia was in there. I grabbed Isaac and pulled him to the seat with me. Stiles and Lydia sat behind us, & Makayla and Scott infront of us. Jackson walked in. Finstock looked up. "There's my star player!" He said. I rolled my eyes. "Your star abuser." I mumbled. Jackson turned around and looked at me. He saw Isaac beside me, & he got mad. Isaac put his arm around me, and Jackson sat next to Natalia. God. I hate them both. 😑 the bell rang, for 4th, & the announcement for cheer came across. Makayla, Lydia, & I walked to the gym. Lydia knew everyone and they seemed to love her. Natalia walked in. 👊😷 she looked at us. She sat alone. The sponsor looked at us. "Were gonna have a pretty full team this year. Now to vote for captain. Lydia Martin. Or. Natalia Thompson." The coach smiled & clapped her hands. "All those for Lydia. Raise your hand."

Everyone raised their hand. She smiled. "All those for Natalia." Only Natalia's hand. The coach smiled. "Well. Congratulations Lydia!" Lydia stood up. "I promise to do my best and be a good captain." We all clapped and went to find the boys.

Lydia ran to Stiles and embraced him in a hug. "I'm the captain." He laughed. "Congrats! I knew you could do it!" Scott looked at Makayla. "Are you excited to cheer?" Makayla looked around. "Actually yes." We all laughed and walked to lunch. We sat down, outside. Stiles got food. Of course. Lol. I sat down, beside Isaac and took a picture. "First day. @isaaclahey 😘" he liked it & screenshotted it. Lol. Lydia liked it. So did Makayla. I looked at Lydia. "So do they have a girls soccer team?" She looked at me. "Yes! Are you gonna play?!" I laughed. "Yeah. Do you?!" She screamed. "Yes!" Makayla played too. 👌⚽️ the announcement for softball came over and Makayla grabbed us, and pulled us to Coach Skaggs office. There were 12 girls. He looked at me, and Makayla. "Are you girls new?" We shook our heads yes. He laughed. "Welcome to our softball family. Nice to see you again Lydia." She smiled. "I wanna play basketball too." I said. "Me too!" Makayla screamed. Lydia looked at us. "I guess I could give it a try." We all laughed, and the announcement came on, and we went to the gym. "I'm coach Brook's. We're not gonna have tryouts but if you're suckish I'm cutting you." Lydia looked at us. "I'm screwed." We laughed. We were walking back and the boys were walking to Finstock's class for lacrosse. "We'll see you in a minute!" Stiles screamed. "Girls soccer. Girls soccer. Weston's class room." We walked upstairs to Weston's. He looked firmilar. Oh my god. He was my coach at my old school! He looked at me. "Ready to win this season?" I laughed. "Ready as ever." He wrote our names down, & walked out. One more announcement. "Academic Team. Report to Evan Washington's classroom. Number 302." We walked in there & the boys were there. He told us the details, & we went to 6th. Nothing happened. 7th, we had to pick. We chose Video Editing. Lol. We went home. I must say. The first day was pretty great.

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