Chapter 8.

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I woke up the next morning, walking downstairs, to see everyone including Isaac sitting down at the table eating. Dad was reading the newspaper, and drinking coffee. I walked over to the cabinet and got a plate. I got a pancake, and some bacon. I was walking over to the table as dad was walking out the door. He kissed Stiles & I on the forehead and said he would be back in the morning. I walked
over to the table and sat down. Everyone was looking at me with the whole 😏 face going on. I looked at them all. "What?!" I screamed. Apparently I sleep talk. Stiles handed me his phone. "No. Yeah. Oooh." I handed his phone back. They all started laughing. We got the kitchen cleaned up. I walked up stairs and straightened my hair. We decided to play the Wii. Makayla and Scott were first. She creamed him. Next was, Stiles & I. I smoked him. "That's where 7 years of dance pays off." I said and laughed. I was about to sit down, and Isaac grabbed me and pulled me back up. "Our turn." He smiled. We danced to, @$$ like that by eminiem. I won. 💪 he couldn't do the Egyptian. Bless his heart. "Sucks to suck." I said. "Oh really?" He asked. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I landed on the couch. Stiles jumped up. "I'm gonna go pick up Lydia!" "Tell her to bring her swimsuit!" I screamed. He gave me a thumbs up. "Anyone wanna come ride the golfcart with me?" Nobody answered. "Anyone? No? Okay then." I put Isaac's sandals on, and walked out the back door. I put my headphones in, and started driving around the block. I almost hit Fufi thanks to Isaac texting me. "Pick me up. They're kissing and it's awkward." I laughed. "Be outside." He texted back. "WHERE ARE MY SHOES?" I laughed. "On my feet. 😋" I texted him back. I picked him up, and he gave me a death glare. We passed Stiles and Lydia. They waved. We waved back. We went back to the house, and Stiles had a pizza. "Stiles. Man, really? We just ate." He laughed. "No no. It's for later." I stood up. "Well let's go swim." We all walked up stairs, and put our swimsuits on. 😋☀️ we walked outside, and played "Ho Hey" by the Lumineers. I jumped off the diving board, and screamed while doing a toe touch. They all laughed. "Have you ever cheered?" Lydia asked. "3rd grade." I laughed. She perked up, "OMG! Seriously? Come cheer at school!" I laughed. "No thanks. I'll stick with Softball, soccer, basketball and dance." I replied. "Athlete much?" Stiles said. I laughed. "As long as you love me," by JB came on. Isaac, Scott and Stiles groaned. Me, Makayla and Lydia. "ILL BE YA PLATINUM, ILL BE YA SILVER, ILL BE YA GOLD! AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME!" They pushed us underwater. 😹 real good boyfriends we got right? I rose up. "I don't know if this makes sense but you my hallejuah, give me a time and place, I'll rondavouh it." Isaac cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth. I was laughing and I started talking,"You know what? I used to think he was saying "cell phone" instead of silver." They all laughed. Stiles spoke up,"yeah. The fag can't talk clear." Lydia playfully hit him. We played Marco Polo. We all got out of the pool when Stiles was up. Nobody was replying so he opened his eyes. We were all standing around the pool. "You guys are evil!" He laughed. We went to get back in, and Isaac was gonna walk all the way around to the stairs. "Why walk when you can jump?" I asked, then I pushed him in. He came back up,"Oh paybacks comin your way?" I laughed. I went to jump and he grabbed my ankle and pulled me in. "Told you." He smirked. He rolled my eyes and flipped him off. He laughed and swam after me. Which wasn't fair. We got out, it was around 3, the boys went to town, and we decided to tan. The sun was shining, no clouds, and it was 87 degrees out. Who could pass that up? We were probably out there for 45 minutes. We walked inside and changed and decided to ride the golfcart. 😎 ITS MY ADDICTION! I was driving and I pulled over. We took a picture and I put it on Instagram. The caption was "we love the golfcart. 😎😋" Isaac commented. "Obsessed much?" I laughed. We were all matching. We all had the shorts, and the basketball shirt. We went back home and decided to make Oreo Balls! 😜 the boys better love us.

The boys came back, and as soon as Stiles walked through the door. "Do I smell Oreo's?" I laughed. "Yes. Yes you do." He smiled his awkward smile. "Gimme!" I smacked his hand. "No there not done!" Everyone was laughing at us. Scott spoke up. "Yeah. They're defiantly related." We laughed. "So all 3 of your girls' birthdays are in July, right?" We all nodded. Stiles spoke up. "Lydia's the 13th, Morgan's the 14th, and Makayla's the 15th." We all nodded. Then Isaac spoke up. "Okay, so we figured a trip to Myrtle Beach, would be a good birthday present." Scott started after him. "So what do you guys think? Wanna go?" We all turned around and started talking. And then turned back around. "UMH HECK YES!" We all screamed. We all went and done a group hug. "When we leave?" I asked. Isaac looked at the paper. "Next week, Tuesday." It was Tuesday, today, so that meant me had a week. I was so excited. We finished the Oreo balls and ate them, saying 4 back for dad. "He don't need them. He's old. I'll take them off his hands." Stiles said. I hit him. "No. These are for dad. Now go upstairs so I can put them up." He laughed. "Oh.. Trust me. I'll find them." I laughed. "I don't doubt that." I said. We walked upstairs and went in my room. "Anyone wanna play truth or dare?" Lydia asked. We all agreed. We started to play. "Stiles truth or dare?" Scott asked. "Dare." Scott said. Ah god. "I dare you to open the window and scream,"I'm gay and I'm proud!" He did.. The security lights flipped on. We all laughed. "Okay okay." He said. Isaac looked at me. "Truth or dare?" "Truth." I said. "Have you ever "loved" anyone before me?" "Dare!" I screamed. "I dare you to answer my question." He said. Oh. My. God. I. Hate. Him. "Not more than you.. No." He looked at my window. Good god. I made him mad. I thought to myself. "What did he expect? I lived in a different state for 16 years. I didn't know him. Besides, it didn't work out.." I sighed. "Okay. Isaac truth or dare?" Scott asked. "Truth." Isaac answered. I rolled my eyes. "Is Morgan your first girlfriend you took to the beach?" I looked at him. "Come on. I wanna hear this too." I pushed. "No...... The first was my mom." I punched him in the shoulder. "DO NOT EVER PAUSE AND LINGER ON THAT WAY! I was gonna kill you!" I screamed. He laughed. He put his arm around me. "Makayla truth or dare." Stiles asked. "Dare." She said. Oh god. This ain't gonna be good. "Hmm, I dare you to kidnap Fufi." I objected. So did everyone else. I crossed my arms. "How about something that won't get us sent to prison?" They laughed. Lydia spoke up,"You guys. It's almost 1. I need to go home." We all said goodbye, because we would most defiantly be seeing her everyday until Vacation then after that as well. Stiles left, and we decided to watch, "I Am Legend." I think I cried more when the poor puppy died than anything.. But after that, Makayla and the boys slept over and we fell asleep on the couch. Good day. ☺️

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