Prologue ~ My Iero Romance

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Vanessa, can you get me a coffee please?" Frank Iero asked.

She nodded and made her way to the machine. Vanessa Toro is Ray Toro's little sister. She was looking for a job. All her prayers were answered when Ray told her that they needed a feminine back up singer for Gerard. Yes, there's even notes hat Gerard can't hit. Ray and Vanessa were really close while growing up so when the opportunity came for back up vocals the band knew Vanessa was the girl for the job.

"Here you go, Frankie." she handed him his coffee.

"Thank you 'nessa. I appreciate it," Frank blushed and went back to playing his guitar named 'pansy'. When Frank played she always stared in awe. He's such a great guitar player. Seeing her brother and her brother's bandmate play guitar onstage inspired her to learn an instrument herself. She learnt bass. She thought it was interesting how it sounds and the fact that it's always there but you'd only faintly hear it. She sighed and picked up her bass. The bass was massive compared to her small exterior. She'd always say that, anyway. When she played it got rid of all her bad thoughts (including suicidal) and all her stress. That's what musicians do. That put emotion into what their doing and that's what her brother's band is doing. Their saving lives, including her own.

"And when we go,don't blame us, yeah.
We let the fires just bathe us, yeah
You made us, oh, so famous
We'll never let you go
And when you go,don't return to me my love," she sang and played.

"Your pretty good! We should kick mikey out, right Gee?" He said jokingly.

Every time he complemented her, her heart beat increased. A weird swirly feeling happened in her stomach and she'd be shy and awkward. Sometimes he senced it. He always thought nothing of it though.

Gerard rolled his eyes and gave Vanessa a fake smile. Gerard didn't like Vanessa one bit. It might be to do with the fact she can sing and she plays bass. That's Gerard and Mikey's talents combined!
He scoffed at his thoughts about the girl with short hair and got back to designing their album cover for their third album.

"I'm not that good.. Sure if can write really crap lines and play bass suckishly, I'm no where as good as Gerard or Mikey. That's a fact. My singing is bad too.. But according to Ray you guys think I'm good enough for backing vocals," she replied with a smile. She was much like her princess fro fro of a brother. She had baby curls that she's tried to tame but it's no use. That's why she gets her hair cut in short layers. That way the strands of her hair don't curl as much.

"Because you are! And were all good friends connected some way. Your connected to Ray, obviously because your his sister. I used to be good friends with Gee and Mikes when we were in seventh grade. Plus you and I went to the same school! Religious schools, eh?" He chuckled slightly.

"Yeah, I was in all of your classes and yeah!" She said and thought back to all the fun times in middle school with Frank.

She's always wanted to be more than friends with the cheeky guy, what could happen if she went on tour with the band?

This is 'My Iero Romance'

Vanessa is twenty one.

Ray is twenty three.

Frank is twenty two

Gerard is twenty four

Mikey is twenty two

Bob is twenty four.

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