Chapter five: elevators and Iphones

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This chapter is dedicated to @StickxAndxStones because of her pure awesomeness and yeah!

Vanessa's P.O.V:

For a few days I just lay in my bunk and ignored the world. I didn't care what Gerard had to say. Ray tried to comfort me but... Failed miserably. I feel sorry for him having a pathetic sister like me. "Baby, are you okay?" I heard a manly voice say. "Fine" I whispered. "You don't look it! I'm coming up!" Frank said. I pulled the curtain to the other side to help frank in. He smiled at me and I stuck with my mikey like pokerface. "I'm so shit at everything I do." I stated. "Hey, no your not! If anyone is then I am. I mean look at my tattoo! What if the band fucks up now? I won't be able to get a job ever again!" He said. He made me smile slightly but I tried not to show it. "No, Gerard wants me out. Fuck it. I'll go back to my old band acid rain. Were fucking bad ass you know" I smirked. "go on then.. I hope you get to tour with us!" He smiled at me. I smiled back and kissed him. When we pulled away we gazed into each others eyes. "Frankie.. What's the time?" I asked him. "It's... 5:00" he said after glancing to the watch on his wrist. "I'm leaving tour in a few days because Gerard said so, so I better get packing" I sighed. "No! No your not!" He chuckled. "He's just upset babe. He thought frerard was real!" He whispered in my ear. "You, frankie" I poked his cheek. "Keep on leading Gerard on. Just stop frerard all together and all of us won't have this problem!" I whispered to him. "Woah.. Babe I'm sorry" he whispered. I nodded and stared into space. I bet that's why Gerard hates me so much. I sighed and looked back to frank. "Dude, Gerard hates me so why should I stay? I mean he said I have to wait until the end of the week until I can go.. That's a few days" I thought out-loud. "What if.. I got everyone else to convince Gee to let you stay? And I'd say that kicking someone out is a band decision, right?" "Mhm" I replied emotionlessly. "Were nearly at a hotel so we can stay a night or two, okay? You can share with me if you want" he smiled. I gave him a quizzical look. "Hotel? Why wasn't I Informed?!" "You wasn't talking to anyone or getting up from your bunk!" He chuckled. I love his laugh. I've missed it so much since school.

"Were here!" Bob shouted. I nodded to frank and he climbed down the ladder to the floor. When I was climbing down he held onto my waist so I wouldn't fall. "Aww so sweet" I mocked. He was probably rolling his eyes right now. "Well yeah, I am a gentleman!" He spoke sarcastically. "Yeah... That's what you are!" I laughed. He scoffed and took me to the kitchen. "Pop tarts?" He asked. I nodded my head. "One or two?" "One please" I replied. He smiled at me before putting the pop tart into the microwave. "Go talk to ray, I'll bring the pop tart in" he told me. I nodded my head and walked out to the living area on the bus.

After a few minutes frank brought in my pop tart and I ate it quickly so we could catch up with the guys and get inside the hotel.

We walked hand in hand and approached the desk where the guys were waiting for us. "Dude! You got Vanessa up!" Ray giggled and pointed at my face. "Yeah, your sister does pull a mean pokerface though.. Almost as good as Mikey's!" Frank laughed. "Here is your room key cards!" A smiley lady working at reception said and handed everyone the keys.

"Their is three keys so two of us will go in each room!" We mumbled a chorus of okays and Gerard started speaking again. "I'm going to share with mikey!" He says. "Ray?" Bob asked and he nodded. "Frankie?" I asked and fluttered my eyelashes. "Of course babe" he whispered into my ear. I smiled at him and pecked his cheek. "Eww gross!" Ray squealed. I huffed in response so me and frank grabbed our bags and walked over to the elevator. We walked into the elavator and clicked the sixth floor button. "Room card says 666.." I took in a shaky breath. "You can hug me if you want.. I'll be happy to hug you" frank smirked. "Ye-yeah I think I'll need more than a couple of hugs frankie" I whispered and looked at my shoes. I was clearly blushing because I felt the heat and I could see my reflection in the elevator doors. "Yeah, that will be cool with me, sweet pea" he said as he got closer to me. I could feel his body's heat radiate onto mine.

"AHHH!" Frank screamed. "Holy shit! Why isn't the elevator movi-" I hugged him as the elevator dropped then came to an abrupt stop. "FUCK ARE WE STUCK IN HERE?!" I screamed. He gulped and nodded. "SHIIIT IM SO FUCKING SCARED OF ELEVATORS! SCREW YOU, ROOM NUMBER!" I yelled. The walls echoed what I said and I collapsed to the floor. "Are you okay?" Frank asked. "DO I LOOK O-FUCKING-KAY?!" I screamed in his face. He stepped back a bit and I think I saw his lip trembling. He turned around and I think I could hear him sob. "Frankie.. I'm sorry.. I'm just really claustrophobic!" I apologised. I heard him sniffle and nod his head. "Me too, I just don't want to argue and not have anywhere to walk back to.. Were stuck in a fucking elavator!" He laughed. I scooted over to the corner he sat in and lounged on his lap. "Your lap is comfy!" I giggled. I looked up and saw him blushing. "And your lips look soft.. Your point is?" He whispered into my ear. I smirked and kissed him. It was short but nice and it kind of got awkward because I was sitting on his lap and.. Yeah. "Your.. Excited?!" I laughed. "Were trapped in a fucking elavator and your excited?! Holy shit, what's happened to the world?" I asked. He blushed and coughed awkwardly.

The lights flickered and eventually the elevator got really dark.. The lights had cut out. "Shit.. Frank do we have a show today?" I asked. "Yeah.. And were stuck in an elevator!" He snickered. "Well at least I'm with you!" I giggled. "Fuck that was so cheesy 'nessa!" He chuckled. "Oh crap.. I'm actually scared of the dark frankie! Hold me.. Please?" I asked him and I saw the outline of his head nod. I smiled to myself and ran a Hand through his side shaved hair. I heard him giggle and I smiled. "I love your blonde hair and then the black contrasts it! It's so.. Sexy!" I smirked. "I hear that all the time" he shrugged. "Oh whatever! How many times do you hear it from me? Yeah first time bitch so be happy!" I pretend scolded. We bursted into a fit of giggles and them for a while he hugged me. It felt really nice and comfortable laying on his lap in the dark. And not to mention were in a small elevator! But.. He was still excited. It was so awkward but funny. "Hey! We have our phones on us.. Let's check to see if we can contact the rest of the band." I suggested.

I grasped for my phone in my pocket and pulled it out. I did my pass code on my iPhone and went on the internet to check if there was a connection. "Hey.. Why does your search history say frank iero?" I heard frank say. I rolled my eyes and flicked his lap. "Because! I wanted to see something and I saw what I needed to see!" I shrugged and annoyance was clear in my voice. "What did you have to see?" I could hear the smirk in his voice. He stroked my hair gently and softly. I wouldn't actually tell him. I wanted an image of him so I could draw him because when he was sitting on the couch he was moving too much and it would've seemed creepy. "I-uh-I'll show you later" I sighed.

I glanced at franks phone and saw that he had searched Vanessa toro onto google. "So why did you search my name into google, hypocrite?" I sniggered. He sighed and kissed my hair. "Because, missy" he stopped and poked my chest. "Your beautiful and I'm way too shy to ask to take a photo with you" he murmured into my ear. "Me too" I laughed. I let a sigh escape my lips and I looked at frank. He didn't know I could see him because it was pitch black and.. Yeah. "Are you looking at me?" Frank asked. I could see his eye brow slightly raised. "I-uh-um-uh NO!" I stuttered. "Hey, chill! It's fine, trust me" he murmured into my hair. Aww! He's so cute! I smiled at the thought and kissed frank. "Mmm" he mumbled against my lips. I rolled my eyes and tugged on his lip ring and he bit my bottom lip. I pulled away and kind of looked him in the eyes. "Frank. Call Gerard or ray!" I giggled. "But babe, I'd prefer to be with you!" He whispered. I bit my lip and nodded. "Just check if the wifi is working, okay?" I asked. "The-what-now?" He asked. "Leave it all to me" I sighed and grabbed my phone once again. I dialled ray's number. "He-hello?" He answered. "Hi, why do you sound nervous?" I asked. "The po-police are he-re and claim that there's a murderer of some sort.. I'm scared, 'nessa. I'm scared." He whispered. "Fro bro, don't worry, okay. What about the power outage? Me and frank are stuck in an elevator lift thingy!" I ranted. I heard him yelp and I rubbed my forehead. "Stay with frank okay? Just please" he paused and took in a shaky breath. "Please stay in the elevator, I heard they'll be able to get you out tomorrow" he whispered. I nodded in response. "It's 3:30 PM now so I guess ill see you in a day!" He said in his usual cheery tone. "Okay ray, be careful and I'll see you tomorrow" I whispered. He ended the call and I cried into franks lap.

"Were stuck here for a day without food or water!" I complained.



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