Chapter thirteen: Opinions

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Guys I'm so sorry for not uploading this earlier but I needed to perfect this and I still think that it's crap now so yeah, sorry for the delay. I hope I don't loose track of time like that again XD and still I feel like its short, so sorry in advance. Also sorry if I get the ages wrong... IM ENGLISH XD it's different here,

Are we nearly there?" I nagged. Frank looked to me with a smirk before nodding. "I can't wait for you to help put my posters up!" I giggled. He sighed and kept on driving. We approached the school's campus and he parked in my building's parking lot. "What number is your dorm?" He asked me and shut off the engine. I told him and we made our way into the building and to the elevator. "This thing better not break down," Frank chuckled thinking back to the elevator incident and pressed the button for floor two. "Yeah, I hope not. I'm just going to say now, the girls in my dorm have the hots for you... So please do not flirt or anything!" I begged. "Of course, I wasn't so hot when I was younger, I don't get why girls only like me now," he said puzzled. "Frank you've always been good looking; end of." I told him.

The elevators doors pinged opened and we carried my bags to my dorm door. I unlocked the door and walked through. "Hey, Vanessa is that you?" I heard Helena say. "Yeah, I'm going to go to my bedroom," I told her. I heard her shout okay so me and Frank walked to my bedroom.

"Oh my..." Frank whispered as he looked around. "WHO PAINTED MY ROOM THIS RAD SHADE OF RED?!" I shouted. I heard the girls snicker and laugh. I rolled my eyes and Frank pecked me. "Well this colour's awesome! Wow, the posters will contrast it," ." He smiled. "I hope it looks good," I sighed. "Hey, I'm kinda thirsty. Should we get drinks?" I asked him. He nodded.

We made our way to the kitchen and pulled out two cans of coke. "Coke! You know the guys don't let me have loads of coke.." Frank laughed. "Awh, your like a hyper vampire," I giggled. "Vampire? That's pretty random!" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and kissed him softly. He pulled away and his eyes widened.

"Why did you just take a picture of us kissing?" He asked someone. I turned around and looked at a girl who had brown hair tinted red, SnapBack, black false glasses, half top and skirt, okay there's one word for someone who dresses like her.... Hipster. And it's not like I have anything against them either. I don't judge anyone, I don't see the point in it. But when it comes to me and hipsters, we do not mix very well. I had a bad High school experience with them. I had no one to defend me, I just cowered away in a corner and retreated to the art classrooms which I had granted access to.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Well it looks like you're that guitarist our teacher's been hating on, Vanessa Toro's boyfriend, right?" She sneered. My eyes widened and he looked shocked as well. "What teacher, may I ask?" I said. "Mr. Francis. He's a bit of a fucktard and an arogant arse but he sure is hot as hell," she swooned. I rolled my eyes. "He fancies this bassist chick named Vanessa Toro. I've never seen a pic of her but I know that he's head over heels for her. That's why he hates on her boyfriend." She paused. "And also, that's why I took the pic. I'm taking a course on journalism so when he sees this his eyes will pop out of his head and he'll want Vanessa Toro to know, he'll post it on his blog which is extremely popular. So may I ask... Who are you and why are you cheating on Vanessa?" She asked with a softer voice. Her voice had some soft of tinge in it that gave off the vibe of patronising. At the moment she seems like the rest of the hipsters I've met but maybe I should just talk to her and get to know her. I shouldn't really judge, should I? She may have a bad backstory. Plus I wouldn't judge her in the first place because Im not that type of person. I admit, I used to in high school but that's how it was, everyone judged each other. I was the anorexic and bulimic emo girl as they liked to call me. I hated being judged, so did everyone else. There was certain people who would just say things like 'labels are for soup cans' and it spread around. Eventually, the whole school started saying it. Well the people who was bullied. Excluding me. In my opinion I found phrases like that cheesy and annoying. (This Is just Vanessa's opinion, it's totally cool if you say that, she's just stating her opinion. I, for one, think that it's cool for people to say that,)

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