Chapter seven: Fake Smiles and Bad News.

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I was shaken awake and let out a groan. I didn't want to wake up. "VANESSAAAAAAA WAKEY WAKEY!" Frank sing-songed in my ear. I giggled and pushed frank off of me. I stretched and got up from my spot. Frank stared at the bed and I gave him a questioning look. "What?" I asked out of curiosity. "Blood.." He whispered. "Blood?" I asked. He nodded and pointed to where I lied the night before. "Fuck" I whispered to myself. what can I come up with? There was blood all over my side of the bed! "Is there a reason why theres blood all over the bed? or the fact that after you went into the bathroom you wore black bottoms?" He said, slightly raising his voice at me. He grabbed a firm hold of my hands and looked into my eyes. "You didn't cut, did you?" He asked in a whisper. I shook my head. I wouldn't ever tell him. "No?" I whispered to him. There would only be one excuse out of this.. "Then what? why is there blood and why are you wearing black? I really care about you, 'Nessa. please, just tell me!" He demanded. "I-I'm on my period." I lied bluntly. He turned a violent shade of red. "I-I'm s-sorry" he replied, obviously embarassed. "It's okay, dude. you didnt know!" I put a hand on his shoulder. "But your staying on that side of the bed, okay" He smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and pecked his lips.

"So what's the time?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes playfully and grabbed his phone from the bedside table. "It's ten A.M, want some coffee? you go wash and stuff. I know what its like for women on their periods." He insisted. "Okay, yeah. Thanks for caring." I replied emotionlessly. "I care because I Love you. now shoo!" He tapped my nose. "I love you too.." I whispered to myself. I truged into the bathroom where I got in the bath. I took off my Pj bottoms and examined my cut. It was deep and looked as though it needed a couple of stitches. Ouch. I climbed ino the bath that Frank had drew for me. It was lukey-warm and the moment my thigh hit the water I yelped out in pain. The feeling was unforgetful and so painful. Tears cascaded down my cheeks and I put a shakey hand to my mouth to stop the screams but in the end they sounded loud and muffled.

"'NESSA, ARE YOU OKAY?" Frank Yelled as he rushed into the bathroom. I covered my chest area with my arms and the rest of my body with the bubbles. "Yes." I yelped. "Why was you, and are, crying? I never want to see you- what the fuck is on your thigh?" He asked me shakily. I hung my head down in shame. "W-why? why would you do this to yourself? your perfect, Nessa! Your my perfect Nessa! why would you ever feel the need to harm yourself or scar your beautiful body? I love you! Isn't that e-fucking-nough?" He sounded close to tears. I looked up from the bubbles I stared at to see a crying frank. "You don't love me frankie, that's a lie." I whimpered. "No! I honestly can't love someone like you.."He muttered.

He was staring into my eyes and I couldn't help but feel guilt. This is all my fault. I feel paralysed. I can't do anything. He caught me out. I'm not on my period. I cut deeply into my thigh. I guess he does have rights to feel angry and want to cry. In highschool he was the best friend you'd always want but never have. The dream best friend. He was crying and its all my fault.

I broke away from the stare and looked at my thigh. "'Nessa, I'm sorry, okay? just promise me this: you'll never touch a razor ever again and you wont cut. If not for me then for Ray! Imagine how he'd feel if he found out. He'd be heart broken. So I'll keep this between us under the condition that you stop. For good." He sniffled. I nodded my head and he kissed my forehead. "Can you.." I asked him looking at the door. I needed to wash. "OH! Yeah, sorry," He chuckled as he kissed my lips and walked out, blowing me a kiss and winked. I rolled my eyes and caught the kiss.

Once I washed I stepped out of the tub and pulled the plug out. I wrapped myself in a hotel towel which just happened to be white.


I walked out into our bedroom and Frank greeted me with the coffee he suggested earlier. I smiled warmly and said thank you. "Your welcome 'Nessa, I love you" He told me. "No you don't!" I whispered to myself. I rolled my eyes and stared at him. I looked down to my clothes that were on the bed. "Um.. Can you go please?" I asked him he looked at me with disgust and stormed out of the hotel room. I laughed to myself and pulled my clothes onto my body. "What's his problem?" I asked myself.

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