Chapter eighteen: that was then and this is now

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About two years ago~

"Their intention is to kill and they will, they will, they will...."

I took off my headphones and looked up from my brand new Aerodyne Jazz Bass by Fender. I got a thumbs up from the girls and I did a thumbs up back.

"That was awesome! This is only your third song for your debut album, imagine what your others will sound like? Wow, I'm so glad I signed you, seriously," Amie said, filled with excitement.

"Y'know, I think that we should probably wrap us this album within the next few weeks and set to tour soon, I know a few bands who need supporting artists for their upcoming tours! Also, you saw how big you guys' first single got, it was very popular, we might just be able to rise up fast!"

I sighed to myself and thought back to what had happened over a year ago to Frank and I. I really has been that long and I kind of miss him. It gets weird when I'm skyping Ray on a phone call to him and I can hear Frankie in the background. I kind of guessed this would happen though so I'm kind of at rest about the whole situation. It still hurts though, knowing he's probably dating someone who can't appreciate things like me. Like pizza. Some people just cannot appreciate simple things like pizza. Do I complain? No! Well except for now but that's different. Everyone should appreciate pizza no matter what toppings. Hah look at me rambling on about pizza! What a loser.

Anyways, My Chem are touring Ireland at the moment (A/N: I accidentally typed Ieroland omg cx), it's a part of their world tour they're doing. Not only have they been extremely popular here in the U.S but they're extremely popular world wide! Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them, but I can't help but feel jealous of how fast they took off! It's ridiculous but it's true. They have fans worldwide! That's not just one of those normal things that happen. That's something big and amazing. That's what bugs me.

I barely see Ray anymore, it's kind of sad. I miss him, even if he was a bit of an arse sometimes he still is my brother. He's told me all about the adrenaline rush onstage and the feeling of knowing people are singing along to your lyrics and headbanging to your riffs, he described it as 'the best feeling in the world.' which makes me feel even more envious of his life now. I had played with My Chem a few times to stand in for Mikes when he had food poisoning or if he was to ill to play, like an understudy of a character for a play, but I'm a bassist.

After playing a few gigs we got a fair amount of cash. Sophie was able to go back to England a few months after and I came with her. She asked me and Hannah but Hannah declined, stating she was going back to Jersey to see her parents and siblings.

I got a special tour around where Sophie grew up, it was pretty interesting! I saw where she used to hang out, what school she went to, she even let me meet her friends from high school which was actually really weird. I felt out of place but that's probably because I grew up in Jersey with a boy best friend who actually kind of abandoned me. We all got along well but one dilemma was that one of her friends absolutely loved pop music and kept on giving me weird looks all the time.. I just ignored it though.

In the new year we started touring with a band called Avenged Sevenfold and we all got along pretty well. Their music style is heavy-ish but not too heavy. Their lyrics are beautiful and always catchy. Their music has this own little way of making you feel like you're something. Something and not just a nobody, which I know a lot of people probably feel like. Including myself most of the time.

We had bought this truck which we kept all our crap in, like the guitars, cables, drums, microphones, our suitcases and everything really. We got someone to drive our truck and we got our manager on board with us which was cool. We all get along well with Connor, he has faith in us and in what we do.

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