Daryl's Baby's Mama

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      (Set at the prison, road and Alexandria is season 3, 4 and 5)

Warning: Fluff. Some sad stuff. Ages 12+

Summary: You died during child birth at the prison. (Taking the place of Lori.) Daryl still loves the baby. They get separated, but that only makes Daryl love her even more. (Time laps.)

Your death at the prison

"Daryl!" Maggie echoed through the prison. "Court!" Daryl called back. Maggie cam walking through with tears on her face. Daryl didn't notice the baby in her arms till Carl moved out of the way. His heart dropped to the ground. "Where's Y/n?" He said with a voice crack. Maggie sobbed some more, Daryl got the memo. "No, no, no!" He cried. His knees gave out instantly. He rolled on the ground for a minute before just laying there. Everyone was crying in the background but Daryl couldn't hear anything. Your voice was haunting his thoughts. He got up and grabbed an axe. "Daryl!" Rick called after him.

Nothing was heard. He opened the door. Closed it. Sliced away. One after the other, the walkers dropped. Dead bodies littered the hallways of the prison. Daryl didn't stop till every last one hit the ice cold ground. He found the room that kept your dead body. He walked in to see the scene. Your body was absent. A walker sat up on the wall with blood hanging from its cold mouth. Daryl stomped to it and cut its head in half. He sat on the wall next to it, thinking of what he could have done to prevent it. Nothing could prepare him for being a single dad. That though was so scary to him.

He felt he could stand, he wiped the tears from his face and walked out of the prison block. "Daryl! Finally. We got her food." He slowly nodded and walked over to his baby. Carl slowly gave her up to her father. He didn't say anything for a while, he just fed her and stared. "Your so beautiful." Was all he said. The group smiled at her. "She looked like her mother." Glenn chimed in. Daryl looked up with tears streaming down his face. "She got a name?" Beth said. He turned his attention back to the baby. "Arianne Amelia Dixon." He answered with a slight smile. "Hi. I'm your daddy. I will protect you." He said as a tear landed on his shirt.

Later that night

She was crying uncontrollably. The cellblock was ringing with her shrieks. She was in Daryl's room, in her crib, screaming. Daryl woke up within the first 30 seconds of her yelling. He stood up and peered into her crib. She looked up at him and smiled. Daryl smiled back. "Hey, sweetheart." He cooed as he picked her up. He heled her in his massive arms and walked to the eating area. Beth was still up with Maggie talking about girl things. "Ahhem." Daryl cleared his throat to cue them to stop for a second. "Need a bottle." He said with a husky, sleepy voice. Beth jumped up and grabbed one that was already ready. "Thanks." He walked back to his cell to let them continue their conversation.

He sat on the bad with her in his arms and put the bottle to her mouth. "There ya' go." He said as she took it into her small mouth. He looked at her with so much love. The look only you got from him. "You remind me of your mama so much." A single tear rolled down his face. "Man, she was amazing. She always made me so happy. Ya' know? We never really talked about havin' kids. But, boy am I glad we did." He held her to his chest and sobbed. She didn't mind, he was basically rocking her to sleep. He stopped for a brief moment, he realized Maggie and Beth could still hear him.

The chatter in the room still went on. They didn't hear him. He looked into her sleepy eyes. "I remember this one time, she was yellin' her head off at me. She was determined to got through to my thick scull. She was a funny lady." He looked down to see her close her blue eyes. He gently played with her thick, black hair and set her back into her crib. "Good night, Arianne."

The road after the prison fell

Daryl was with Beth right after the prison fell. He had no idea if Arianne even made it out. He didn't know that she was right down the road from him. She was with Michonne, Rick and Carl. He was now with 'the claim group'. He saw them sneak up on a small group. He hadn't realized that his baby was with them. "8!" Joe yelled. In that moment, he saw Michonne's sword. "Wait!" Joe looked up to see Daryl with a worried look on his face. "Your stoppin' me on 8, Daryl!" Daryl took a step closer and saw Rick. Carl was on the cold ground. "Wait." Joe rested his eyebrow. "Say your piece, Daryl." He took yet another step.

"These are good people. Just let them go." Joe shook his head. "I think Luo would disagree with that. Of course, I'm gonna have to speak for him cause, your friend here, strangled him in a bathroom." Daryl looked him in the eyes. "You want blood, I get it." He set down his crossbow. "Here, take it from me. Come on. But leave these people alone. These are good people." Joe shook his head again. "Now that right there is a lie. We're gonna have to teach you all the way." The men in the back grabbed him and started taking shots at him. Hey, he said take it from him. He would do anything to protect his people.

His whole face and body hurt like hell. Suddenly, they all turned their attention to the main stage, Rick ripping the man's throat out with his teeth. Daryl took this opportunity to kill the men beating up on him. He stood up, grabbed a weapon, and hacked away. The men were dead. Rick looked at Daryl with surprise. "Daryl. Come here." Michonne stood up and walked to the car. She opened the door and reached inside. She pulled out a baby. Not just any baby, his. Daryl ran to her and grabbed her out of her hand. "Arianne!" He held her to his sweaty, bloody chest. "Oh, I love you." He cried into her hair.

Right after settling into Alexandria

Daryl had Arianne in his arms on the porch. Everyone was out exploring, he wanted to go out at night. Rick, Carol, Carl, Judith and Michonne were all walking off of the porch. Rick stopped to talk to him. "They told us we could explore, let go explore." Daryl shook his heavy head. "Nah, I'll go later. Arianne's asleep." Over Daryl's massive thighs, you couldn't see her. Rick moved closer to peer over him. Sure enough, she was passed out on his legs. He let out a small laugh. "She's so tiny compare to you." Daryl looked at his sleeping daughter. "Takes after her mom."

He picked her up very carefully, trying not to wake her. He put her on his shoulder and stood up. "I'm gonna go inside to put her down." Rick walked up to him. "Give her here. I'll take her." Daryl reluctantly gave her over. Rich laughed in his face. "Now you have no excuse not to go out!" Daryl scoffed. "What if I wanna take a nap with her? Huh? Whacha' gonna do now, Rick?" Rick smiled and walked off with her without saying a word. "Fuck, now I got no excuse." He walked with Rick, glaring at him the whole time.

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