Daryl gets Angry

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                                         (Set at Alexandria in season 6)

Warning: Cussing. Ages 13+

Summary: A new guy arrives at Alexandria suddenly. You soon find out he's a flirt. Daryl freaks out.

"Hey, get up." A voice cooed in your ear. You snatched the knife out from under your pillow and tackled the person to the ground. You took a long look at the face. A terrified expression was displayed on Rick's face. You slowly let the knife slip off his throat. You stood up and sat on the bed with you 5 year old crisscrossed legs. Rick was still looking up at the ceiling. "Breakfast." Was all he said. You giggled at the sight. "K, I will be down in a second."

You looked to the side to see Daryl stretching his arms with his eyes closed. "Mornin', sunshine." He said as his blue eyes slowly opened. You were always the 1st one he saw in the morning. He was oblivious to everything in the morning. "Morning, Daryl." You smiled witch he gladly retuned it. You were right next to his face. You were facing the closet. He rolled on his side and gripped your hips. He placed a few soft kisses on your lower back.

"Well, I'm glad you two are havin' a fantastic mornin'." Said Rick. Daryl pressed his cheek to your back and smiled with his hands still on your hips. Rick laughed an walked out shouting, "Thanks for the heart attack!" You laughed. "Your welcome!" You and Daryl slowly woke up in the comfort of each others arms. "I love you, Y/n." Daryl said with a husky voice. "Love you too, Darebear." He giggled sleepily. You turned around to be faced with his icy blue eyes. He looked deep into your y/e/c eyes. "Beautiful." Was all he could say. You knew you were blushing.

"We better get up and moving or else someone might think we died." You giggled. He smiled and stood up. You and Daryl got changed and walked down stairs. "Look who finally decided to get up." Michonne teased. You and Daryl scoffed playfully. She smiled and went back to eating her food. "Cereal?" Daryl asked. You quickly nodded as he pulled out the bowls. You all ate your breakfast, laughing and talking about life. "Oh, hey, Rick?" Rick slowly turned around at the sound of your voice. "Yeeesss?" He said with an odd smile. "Me and Daryl were going to welcome the new guy. Daryl is sleeping and I don't want to wake him. Wanna come with me?" You asked with a cheesy grin.

He looked down and smiled. "Yeah, why not." You got happy as you grabbed his hand and skipped to the new man's house. You knocked at the door and waited for someone to answer. Footsteps could be heard from the inside of the house. "Comin'!" The voice yelled. You looked at Rick with hopeful eyes. When you looked back, the door was just opening. "Can I help you?" A tall man with a scruffily beard asked with a gentle smile. "Hi, I'm Y/n and this is Rick. We are here to welcome you to Alexandria." The mans grin got wider. "Cameron." He responded. You smiled and shook his hand, Rick did the same.

You three talked on the porch for what seeped like hours. "It was nice talking to you, Cameron. I have to go." You smiled as you walked down the steps. "Come over when ever you need to. I hope to see you around." He yelled as you walked home. Rick stayed behind and really got to know him. You walked into the house to see Rosita smiling at you. "Hey, is Daryl still sleeping?" She shook her head. "He just left to go see the new guy." You cocked you head at her words. "Thanks." You walked back to Cameron's house.

Daryl's P.O.V

I slowly got back up. I have been taking a lot of naps lately. Guess I'm just really tired. "Y/n!" I shouted through the house. No response. I walked down the stares to go look for her. It was 3:00. Oh shit. I forgot I was suppose to go see the dude with her. Shit fuck! I slipped on my boots and walked out of the house. "Hey, Rick."  He was standing outside the guy's house. "Daryl, come here!" He motioned for me to go over to him. "This is Cameron." Cameron stuck out his hand for me to shake it. Hesitantly, I shook it.

"Hey, Rick? You seen Y/n?" Before Rick could respond, Cameron said the unthinkable. "Damn, Y/n is so sexy. If she's single, I'm all for her." I snapped. I marched over to him and stood my ground. I was breathing heavily. My eyes went red. He was a dead man walking. He immediately backed down. "Sorry, man. Didn't know she was taken." Man, was I pissed. "You saw anything like that to her before I'm dead; I will beat your ass into the ground. You hear me?" I growled into his face. "Daryl! There you are."

Me face calmed down and by muscles relaxed. "Hey, baby." I said with some anger left in me. I took her hand and walked home. Without breaking stride, I looked back and glared to the man. Rick was glaring at him too. That was last I ever heard of him.

Sorry this one is short. Hope you enjoyed it!

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