Daryl as a child

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                                                       (Set before the apocalypse and some in season 5.)

Warning: Sadness. Ages 13+

Important! D means Daryl. Y means you. M means Merle. The numbers are the ages.

Summary: You are Daryl's older sister but Merle's younger sister. You had to take care of Daryl and sometimes Merle under certain circumstances.

D = 5    Y = 13   M = 15

You are at home with Daryl doing homework. You are sitting at the table with him with papers in front of you. "Ok, Daryl. What is 2+4?" You ask him pointing to the problem on his paper. "Ummm.... 6!" He yells excited. "Nice one. Now what is 5+4?" He looks up into space for a few seconds. "Daryl, hey." You snap you fingers in front of his face. "Where's Merle?" He asks sadly. You sigh and smile. "Soon. He'll be home soon, man." The truth was he got caught with a pack of rocks. He is gonna be gone for 83 more days. You and Daryl were going to be alone for a while.

Your guys' dad had been gone for a few day, probably in a ditch passed out. "5+4, come on." You encourage him. "Where's momma?" He asks another saddening question. "I don't know. 5+4." You try to change the subject, but Daryl wont stop. "Why don't 'cha talk 'bout momma or dad?" He looks up at you with his puppy dog eyes. Your mom has been missing for 4 months. You have no idea what happened. "Daryl, there are things I can't tell you. Maybe when your older." He straightens his posture.

"I ready, I can handle it." He pleads. "Please stop. 5+4." You look at the paper. He gives a long sigh and gives up. "9." He says. "Now your homework is done." You say happily. You stand up and walk to your room. You dig through your stuff to get a coloring book. You find it and walk back to the kitchen. "Here. You think you can hold the fort down while I shower?" You say handing him the book. "Yeah." He says grabbing a pencil. "Draw me something pretty." You say smiling. He nods as you walk to the bathroom. Taking care of that kid is not easy.

D = 7   Y = 15    M = 17

You sit in your chair at school waiting for 1:45 to roll around. Your school doesn't get out till 3:25. Daryl gets out at 2:15 and its about a 15 minute walk to his school. Merle dropped out last year and he is now nowhere to be found. You and the principle worked out a thing. She understands what is going on at home, she knows why you leave early. You look up and see the time; 1:45. You teacher looks at you and nods.

You get up and leave the halls. You walk to the school while listening to your mp3 player. Scotty Doesn't Know. Good song, people. Funny, but good. You walk into the school office and sit in the chair. "Hey, Y/n." They lady at the office talk to you almost every day. "Hey, Courtney." You say smiling. "Daryl will be up in a second." You nod and wait. The bell rings and kids flood the hallways. Daryl walk through the doors and walks right up to Courtney. "She here?" He asks with his chin on the counter. "Right over there." She says pointing in your direction. He smiles and walks up to you and hugs your legs.

"How was your day?" You ask smiling. "Alright." He says shrugging. "What made it 'alright'?" You ask concerned. "It's school." He says in a 'duh' voice. You laugh and walk out of the doors. "I have to work in a half hour. Wanna tag along?" You ask walking down the road. He smiles, "Yeah." He laughs. You both walk to your wok which is about 25 minutes away. You both arrived at the shop and walked in. You grabbed the coloring book from your bag. "Here, I'll be done soon." You smiled and got your apron on.

D= 9   Y= 17   M= 19

You and Daryl had been going through the same routine for a few years now. 2 to be specific. Get him from school, go to work and go home. Every Saturday, you would leave him with the neighbors and go shopping. Your guys' mom came back 7 months ago. She still didn't do anything. She was usually: getting a  fix, drinking, or with dudes. She said hi then locked herself in her rooms when she got home from the bar. You ignored her and kept doing your job, the same one you had scene you were 13: Daryl's mom. Some times all the above. Merle would come by every once in a while, rarely though. When he did, he was drunk.

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