Dixon and the Boy

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                                                   (Set at Alexandria in season 6)

Warning: Cussing. Smut references. Ages 13+

Summary: You and your son are fighting. Daryl, your best friend, over hears you guys. He breaks up the fight and yells at him. He then confesses his love for you after beating him up.

You and Lucas had been fighting all morning. He had hit your stomach in the heat of the moment. It didn't really faze you at all. Daryl would have been here by now but he was on a run. You both were on the front porch yelling. "Fuck you, mom!" He yelled at you. "You fuck me over every morning! Taking my bullets to go impress your little girlfriend! Fuck you!" You got in your face and glared. He was about 6'2 and you were only 5'4. "You don't scare me." He glared back.

You heard the gate open. You didn't say anything for a reason, you didn't want to warn Lucas. "Get fucked." You said as he glared harder. "I get fucked more than you!" He said with a slight smirk. "In the ass." You smiled as he huffed. "Wait, does fucking yourself count? If it does, you get way more than I do! In fact, go get some now." Daryl came running out of the corner of your eye. He sprinted up the stairs and stepped in front of you, pushing you back. "Ya' wanna see how fast I can knock ya' on your ass, kid?" Daryl growled. "This has nothing to do with you. Move." He said with annoyance.

Daryl grabbed his shirt. "Wanna make me?" He growled as he cocked his head in his face. Lucas whimpered a little. "Nah, man. We're good." Lucas cowered. Daryl let go of his shirt and he took off to his girlfriend's house next door. Daryl spun around and grabbed your chin. He tilted your head and checked for marks. He let go to start on your arms, checking every inch. "Daryl, I'm alright." He grunted and lifted up your shirt to reveal your stomach.

A big, purple and blue mark stretched across your lower abdomen. He held on to the fabric and looked up at you. "Your alright." He said with sarcasm. "Its not that bad, I don't even real it!" You tried to convince him. He stormed off into the house he was in. He slammed the door as he walked in. You waited for a second to try and hear what was going on.




You were starting to panic, wanting to know what was going on. "Holy fuck!" You mumble yelled as Daryl walked out casually. His hands were bloody and split. "What happened?!" You yelled. "Nothin'." You grabbed his red hand and held it to his face. "Yeah, looks like nothing to me." You scoffed. You grabbed his good hand and led him into your house. "What 'er' ya' doin'?" He asked. You didn't say anything as you stood him in front of the sink. You grabbed a clean washcloth to wash his wound. "Listen, doc. I'm fine." He smiled.

You didn't care what he said at this point. You just wanted to clean his hand. He gave up on trying and sighed. "How long is it gonna take?" You giggled. "2 minutes. Now hold still." You dabbed his knuckles. He hissed through his teeth. "Now, how hard did you hit him? Your hands pretty messed up." You said still working. "Well, I jumped on him and he ran. I may have thrown stuff. And punched things." You laughed, now knowing why his hands were this bad.

"Did you hit him?" You asked looking worried. "Yeah." He mumbled, looking down. You giggled again. "Good, he needed it. He doesn't have a father figure in his life to put him in place." You said, kind of getting emotional. Daryl quickly noticed as he wiped your tears you didn't know were there. "Thanks." You said as you wrapped his hand. He placed his hand to your face, he gently moved your hair behind your ear.

You looked at him with glossy eyes. "I can help with that." He whispered. "I'd like that." He got his face close to yours before kissing you with a slow passion. He pulled back and rested his forehead on yours. "I love you, Y/n. I will always be here for you." You smiled as he pulled you onto his lap. "And I will always be here for you." You were careful not to touch his hand as he carried you up the stairs. "I love you, Daryl." You said as he laid you on the bed.

Don't worry! A part 2 will be out soon! Probably sooner than you think.... ;)


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