Dixon's freak-out

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                                                      (Set at Alexandria in season 6)

Warning: Attempted rape. Ages 13+

Summary: A man from Alexandria tries to rape you. He finally stops. Daryl walks in on you crying and he freaks out when you tell him what just happened.

You were sitting on the porch of yours and Daryl's house. He was on a run right now, so you had nothing to do. Cody saw you and started walking over to you. You didn't mind him, in fact you guys were close friends. "Hey, Cody." You greeted him as he sat down next to you. "Hey, Y/n." You gave him a small smile. "Wanna go inside?" He asked out of the blue. "Yeah, sure." You said as you stood up. You both walked inside where he pinned you against the wall. You weren't really use to him doing this. "Woah, little rough there, buddy." You said with a giggle. The mood quickly changed as he ripped off your shirt.

"Cody! Stop!" You screamed, hopping someone could hear you. "Stop struggling and this will be over before you know it." He hissed in your ear. You squirmed under his strong arms.He was a good looking guy, but not your type. Plus you were with Daryl, you loved him too much. He slid down your pants with his hand. "Stop! Please!" You cried into the tick air. "God damn it, Y/n. Just stop." He picked you up as you thrashed around. Cody carried you up the stairs up to your room.

He threw you on your bed and crawled on top of you. "Cooddyy!" You cried and screamed. He ripped your panties off and threw them across the room. You were left in your bra, but not for long. He unclipped it and also tossed them to the side. You were naked. He was about to take off his cloths but you punched him.

A right hook to the face doesn't feel to nice. He stumbled backwards before leaving the room. You cried and huddled up in the corner of the room. You sat there for a while, just crying. Daryl opened the door to witness the scene. "Oh my God, are you alright!?" He yelled as he ran towards you. You didn't register that it was him. You though it was Cody coming back to finish the job. You cried and threw your arms around. Daryl dodged all of them and forced your arms down. "Hey, hey, its just me!"

You jumped to him and hugged him, trying to cover your body with his. "Y/n, what happened?" You cried into his shoulder before answering him. "Cody! Daryl, it was Cody!" You yelled. He got up and ran out of the room with steam coming out of his ears. You curled up in a ball and tried to sleep. Daryl came back just minutes latter with split knuckles. "Rick's got it from here." You smiled as he laid down next to you and covered you with a blanket. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders. He whispered in your ear, "He ain't never gonna touch you again, princess. I promise." You smiled and cuddled into his arm.

Daryl Freaking Dixon Imagines---PART 2!Where stories live. Discover now