Dixon's First Kid

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                                                    (Set at Hilltop in season 7)

Warning: Fluff. Light cussing. Ages 13+

Summary: You were pregnant when Daryl left. Rick, you and the group go to Hilltop to see Maggie, Enid, Sasha and Greggory. You finally see Daryl and he meets his baby.

"Hey, Y/n." You woke up to Rick shaking you. "Yeah?" You said as you slowly sat up. "We're gonna go up to Hilltop. Wanna come?" You hadn't gotten out of bed for a while. With the baby and the depression, you didn't want to leave but you knew you had to. Daryl hadn't been home in weeks and you were getting really sad. "Yeah, I'll get Eden ready." Rick smiled and walked out of the room. You got her dressed and gave her a bottle when you reached the kitchen. You slipped on your boots and left the house.

You carried her to the gate and waited for the others. Michonne saw her and got a big smile. "Hey, sweetie!" She said in a baby voice. You smiled at the thought. Tara, Rick, Carl, Rosita and Michonne were all at the gate too and they were ready to leave. "Alright, lets go." Rick said as he opened the gate. You all walked out and started down the long road. "Y/n, are you sure your gonna make it?" Tara asked. You nodded your head as you walked. You bounced Eden in your arms as she giggled. "Maggie will be happy to see her. She'll have some hope." Michonne said smiling. You smiled back as you kissed Eden's head.

You had finally reached Hilltop, it felt like you had been walking for hours. "Sasha! Enid!" Maggie was yelling from up above when she saw you guys. The gates suddenly opened. Rick led you guys into the community. He walked up to Maggie and hugged her. They were talking but you paid no attention because Eden was fussing. Maggie looked up and saw her. "Oh my God." Was all she said as she moved towards you. "Who's this?" She said with a cheery voice. "Eden." You smiled. She played with her feet before looked back at Rick. Just then, Daryl and Jesus came walking around the corner.

You looked up and felt your heart leap into your throat. Daryl stopped mid way, seeing the baby. Last time he saw you, you were still pregnant. He held himself up with the wall. You smiled and walked towards him. Tears were clouding your vision. He looked up crying. "Is that her?" His voice cracked. You nodded crying. He ran to you and embraced you in a hug, trying not to crush the baby. "Meet your daughter, Eden Marie Dixon." You giggled as he pulled back.

He looked into her eyes and sobbed. "She's beautiful, just like her mom." He said taking her into his arms. "Nah, she gets her beauty from her dad." You said laughing. He scoffed with a smile. "Nah, definitely her mom." Daryl said kissing your head. You were married to the guy and he still makes you blush. He kissed her head and looked around. Everyone was hugging each other. They hadn't seen each other for a while.Daryl handed Eden back to you and walked to Rick. He said nothing as he reached into his shirt and pulled out a gun. You flinched for a second but was then pulled back to reality by Rick taking it. You all looked around for a moment, taking in this moment. As soon as it was over, you all walked into the museum to talk to Greggory.

Daryl Freaking Dixon Imagines---PART 2!Where stories live. Discover now