Dixon and the Lake

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                                                    (Set in season 1 at the Atlanta camp)

Warning: Fluff. Does story nudity count as a warning?

Summary: You were at the camp in the middle of the summer. You helped Shane and Carl catch frogs, or at least try. It got a little too hot for your taste later that night. You went swimming in the quarry. Daryl decided to join you.

"Hey! Come help us!" Yelled Shane from across the camp. "Whacha' doin'?" You asked. "Frogs!" Laughed Carl splashing in the water. You giggled and ran to the quarry. You sat down next to the ladies doing their laundry. "You helpin' the boys catch frogs?" Asked Amy. You nodded and slipped off your shoes. You jumped in and headed towards them. Shane smiled at you and continued to splash water in Carl's direction. You started mimicking his actions.

"You get any?" You asked as Shane slowly started to calm down. Carl raised the net in the air with a smile. "Nope." He said with a disappointed tone. You giggled at his facial expression. You looked at Shane who was fixated on something in the distance. "Shane? You here?" You asked. He snapped back to reality. "Yeah, umm, keep tryin', I'll be back." You were a little uneasy but kept playing with Carl.

It was about 5:30 and it was starting to cool of but it was still boiling outside. You were up to your knees in the water and Shane still hadn't came back yet. "Hey, Carl? I'm gonna go et changed, you should probably go find your mama. Get changed, I'll meet you at dinner." He smiled and walked out of the cold water. "What er' ya' doin'?" Yelled a voice from across the lake. You looked up to see your best friend, Daryl, smiling at you. "Gettin' out!" You yelled back. He laughed and walked away.

You got out of the water and walked back to yours and Daryl's tent to change. You got new jeans on and walked to the camp fire for dinner. "Y/n, sit over here!" Carl squealed as you walked closer to the fire. You laughed and sat down waiting for your food. "Hey." Carol smiled as she handed you a small bowl with some kind of meat in it. "Thanks for the...." You lingered, hopping Daryl would finish the sentence. "Rabbit." He answered. "Oh. Well its really good." You said ashamed you couldn't tell what it looked like.

You all finished the rabbit and put your plates aside. "Time to turn in. Good night, everyone." Rick called out as he stood up. Everyone said their 'good night's and went to bed. You and Daryl walked back to your guys' tent and laid down right next to each other like always. "Sweet dreams, Daryl." You cooed as he rested his hand in your hair. "Sweet dreams, darlin'." You smiled and closed your heavy eyes.

You woke back up a little latter to sweat dripping down your face. You sat up and wiped your forehead. "Damn." You whispered as you unzipped the tent. You walked out with your knife in your hand. The quarry sounded perfect right now. The cold water hitting your skin, bliss. You walked to the shallow part and looked up. Full moon beauty in the sky, stars littered the black night.

You sat on the ground and slipped your shoes off along with the jeans. You put them in the laundry bin and proceeded to take of your shirt and bra. Your underwear fell to your feet with a clean swipe. You flipped the bucket over to make sure no snakes or smaller animals could crawl in your clothes. You walked into the cool water and sighed. "That's nice." You said with a wide smile. "Its nice from back here too." A raspy voice said from behind you. You jumped only to see Daryl. You grew up with each other. He had seen you naked too many times to care.

"What are you doin'?" You asked. "Woke up, you weren't there. I checked here first, lillypad. What are you doin' here?" He asked with a sweet tone. "Too hot in that tent." He smiled that oh so sweet Dixon smile. "Sorry, cant help it." You laughed and swam farther in. "Hold on." He said as he stripped down. "My clothes are under the bucket!" He tucked them under with yours and ran. You laughed even more. "In comin'!" He yelled as he jumped in. "Your a dork." You smiled as he caught up with you. "So are you."

He looked into your eyes and smiled. "What?" You giggled. "Your so beautiful, ya know that?" You giggled as he smiled. "Stop." You teased. "No, its true. Gorgeous." You blushed and looked up. "The stars, am I prettier than them?" He giggled. "Oh, yeah. Never met no one, no thing prettier than you." You never knew you could blush even harder than you already were. "Thanks, Dixon." You said as you leaned on his shoulder. "Your welcome, sweetheart." He said as he leaned his head on yours.

"Hey, lovebirds! Go to bed!" Shane shouted from his tent. "Fuck you, Shane!" You yelled back. Daryl laughed as he swam farther out. "You comin'?" Daryl asked smirk. "Yeah!" You raced him to the other side of the lake. You were so close to the end when he swam up behind you and grabbed your foot. "Ahh! Damn it, Daryl!" You yelled as you looked ahead to see him in front of you. "Haha!" He cheered as he touched the rock. You sighed and swam over to him. "Rematch, you, me, tomorrow night, Same time." He smiled and got back in. "Alright, lillypad." You laughed. "New nickname?"

He nodded and started swimming. "I'm winnin'!" He called from ahead. You grunted and started swimming faster. "I said tomorrow!" He laughed and kept going. You had finally reached the shore after 3 minutes of swimming. You Stood there with Daryl for a moment just taking in each others company. "I forgot the bucket, sor-" Carol stopped her sentence when she saw your guys and quickly shielded her eyes. "So sorry! I'll come back in a minute." You and Daryl started laughing your asses off.

"Nah, its alright." You grabbed both of your guys' clothes and tossed the bucket in front of her. "Here." You giggled. She quickly grabbed it and ran back to her tent. You and Daryl got your clothes on after the laughing session. "Come on." He said as he walked off into the distance. You followed right behind him all the way back to the tent. He grabbed your hand as you laid down. "Come here." He cooed as he pulled you close to his wet chest. "Night, Lillypad." You smiled and snuggled farther into his body. "Night, Darebear." He sighed. "Ah, fuck you." You giggled at the name you gave him when you were 12. "Fuck you too. Night."

Sorry it is so long. I just had so many ideas for this one. Please comment!


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