Dixon's Shoulder

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                                                       (Set at the prison in season 4)

Warning: Fluff. Light Cussing. Ages 13+

Summary: You had lost people due to the disease. Daryl somehow find a way to comforts you.

"No! No, no, no." You yelled, crying over your brother's lifeless body. You were just told that something was going on in the D block. When you got there, a dead son of a bitch was gnawing on Alex's body. You clutched onto his shirt and cried. Sobbing as the corpse just laid there. It slowly started to reanimate. A hand flinch. A leg twitch. Fingers in your hair. You didn't feel anything but sadness.

Daryl and Rick were in the room just in case. Rick was the 1st to notice the hand on your hair. "Daryl!" He yelled suddenly. Before you had any time to register what was happening, 2 huge arms were around your waist. Daryl pulled you away from the body. You screamed and flailed your arms and legs. Daryl didn't budge as he removed you from the cell. He was about to turn the corner with you, Ricks knife plunged into the rotting scull. "No! Alex!" You screamed.

Daryl set you down and kneeled on the floor with you and held you to his chest from behind. He rubbed your back, trying to calm you down. "Shhh. Its gonna be alright." He cooed in your hair. You leaned forward and rested on the floor. He went down with you, his arm remained wrapped around your stomach. You finally gathered yourself. "I'm good." You sniffled. He slowly let go of your waist and pulled you to your feet. You turned around and hugged him. "Thanks." You whispered into his ear.

He nodded and kissed your forehead. "We'll take care of him, we promise. Go rest." He walked back into the cell with Rick. They picked up Alex's cold corpse. You cried your way back to your cell in the C block. You laid down on your bunk and closed your burning eyes. Before you knew it, you were asleep. You were jolted awake by a warm hand on your forehead. You slowly opened your eyes, Daryl was above you with his arm gently resting on your head. "Ya' were exposed. Jus' checkin' ya'r temperature." You nodded and closed your eyes again. "Give it to me straight, doc." You giggled. "Normal."

The bed sunk in by your stomach. "What are you doin', Daryl?" You asked tiredly. "Keepin' ya' company." You motioned for him to come close to you. "Hmm?" You patted the spot to your left. He scooted closer to you and laid down. He rested his head on your chest. "Daryl, we need help!" Rick yelled from the other side of the cellblock. You both sighed as he slowly stood up. "Hey, we tried." You laughed. He walked out to help them bury the bodies. You stood up and met them at the cemetery in the field.

"Hey, Daryl." You greeted him as you walked through the yellow grass. He grunted in response. He was digging like a mad man, dirt was flying everywhere. "Who's is this one?" You pointed to the grave he was in. "Alex." You felt the tears build up behind your eyes. They were deadly close to being released. Daryl jumped out of the grave and pulled your head into his neck. "Please, don't cry." Was all he said as you shoved your face farther. "I'm just tiered of losing people. Sorry." You pulled back and let him go back to digging. You turned around and was about to go back to bed. "Hey. I've got 2 shoulders you can lean on. K?" You nodded and kept walking.

Daryl Freaking Dixon Imagines---PART 2!Where stories live. Discover now