Ch. 2 Son of Jafar

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Jay runs through the streets of the Isle of Lost. He stops running when his eyes spotted a magic lamp on a concession stand. A smirk graced his lips deciding that he's going to take it to his father. He looks around not seeing anyone around him. He gracefully runs towards the concession stand to grab the magic lamp and putting it in his brown bag. He hears voices coming to his right as he sees a rope above him. He jumps grabbing the rope and climbs standing on top of the roof. 

" Hey! My magic lamp is gone" A male voice shouted. 

His companion looks around spotting Jay on top of the roof. He nudged his friend as they look up at him.

" It's that street rat!" The other man growled.

Jay turns around and laughs running away from them. He jumps through rooftops heading towards his place. Once he arrives, he spotted his childhood friends with their parents wondering what's going on. He blinks seeing his father who walked towards him with a fatherly smile on his face. He smiled at his father pulling out the magic lamp from his brown bag telling him that he found it at a concession stand. 

" Excellent" Jafar takes the magic lamp from his son's hand. He begins to rub it but nothing comes out. He growls in anger throwing the magic lamp away feeling disappointed that he can't be a Genie anymore. 

Jay looks at his father with saddened eyes.

" I am very sorry father" He frowned.

Jafar looks at his only son and sighed.

" It's okay" He smiled. 

Maleficent enters the room with a big smile on her face holding a letter. She calls everyone into the living room. Jay stands between his father and Carlos wondering what's going on that caused the evilest person in the room to be excited. 

" Children. Children. I have some good news" Maleficent smirks. " The Future King of Auradon has invited you four to live in Auradon and go to Auradon Prep" She tells them.

Jay's eyes widened.

" Is your mom joking?" He turns to Mal. " Tell me she's joking" He looked at his best friend with hopeful eyes.

Mal's eyebrow raised at her best friend.

" You know my mom never jokes" She sighed.

Jay smirks feeling excited to go to Auradon Prep. He always wanted to go there because he heard that Auradon has the most beautiful girls there. He stayed quiet hearing Maleficent telling them to do a mission for her. He internally groans not wanting to do it but he knew his father is expecting him to do it. He quickly goes to his room once Maleficent finished speaking with them. He packed everything he needs in his magical brown bag putting it on his night stand. He quickly changed from his usual attire to a shirt and pants to sleep in.

Before he goes to sleep, he walked towards the window. He smiled staring at Auradon knowing that it would be his home for a long time. He can't wait to go to Auradon and meet a beautiful girl that will steal his heart.  

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