Ch. 6 I'm not scared of you

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Adrielle stayed in the library until nighttime. She heard her name being called looking up from her book seeing one of Sleeping Beauty's fairy godmothers named Fauna using magic to sort the books in order. She stands up and smiled putting the book back in its place telling Fauna if she can close the library.

" Of course, my dear" Fauna smiled at Adrielle giving her the keys to the library.

Adrielle takes the keys following Fauna out of the library. She turns off the lights and closed the door behind her. She locks the door and gives the key back to Fauna wishing her a good night. 

" Sleep well" Fauna waves goodbye to Adrielle. 

Adrielle waves goodbye to Fauna.

She turns around and walks away humming happily. She pulls her hood up and zips her sweater feeling the wind getting stronger. She walks back to the dorms when she stops hearing voices wondering who's awake at night since she is known to be the only student to be awake at night. She walks closer and stands behind a tree seeing Jay with his friends talking silently with each other. She wears a curious expression on her face wondering what the four teens are doing roaming around at night. 

" Let's go you guys" Mal starts to run.

Carlos and Evie followed her.

Jay stood there about to follow them when his ears heard a branch breaking. He turns around seeing Adrielle standing there with a scared expression on her face. His eyebrow raised looking at Adrielle with amusement. 

" Princess. What are you doing wandering around the campus at night?" Jay asked.

Adrielle stares at him.

" I'm a night owl" She tells him.

Jay chuckles.

" You know there are creatures in the night and what if they somehow kidnap you" He walks around Adrielle in a circle. 

Adrielle smiled.

" I know how to defend myself" She felt Jay stand behind her. 

Jay smirks.

" Is that so" He whispers to her.

Adrielle didn't know why but her heart is suddenly beating. She turns around staring at Jay in the eyes.

Jay leans closer and stops when he hears Adrielle's heart beating.

Dark brown eyes met with light brown ones. 

" Are you scared of me?" Jay asked.

Adrielle never took her eyes off of him. 

She wears a calm expression on her face and smiled.

" I'm not scared of you" Adrielle tells him.

Jay blinks.

He looks forward seeing Carlos and Evie watching him. His eyes narrowed when he sees Carlos about to shout but Evie covered his mouth. He smiled feeling happy when Evie dragged Carlos away leaving them alone. 

Adrielle blinks and turns around seeing no one.

" It's getting really late. I should accompany you back to the dorms" Jay looks at Adrielle with a smile. 

Adrielle turns back to Jay and smiled.

" Sure" She nods her head.

Jay walks by Adrielle's side and accompanies her to the dorms. He made sure to look around his surroundings just in case a monster was lurking around. Even though he's a Villian kid, he will protect Adrielle with his life. He remembers what happened in the afternoon with Carlos slamming the door in front of Adrielle and frowns. He sighed sadly and stops walking taking Adrielle's hand with his. 

Adrielle stops walking and turns to look at Jay.

" Jay?" She blinks.

Jay stares at Adrielle.

" I'm sorry about Carlos slamming the door in front of you" He apologize to her. " He shouldn't have done that" He frowned.

Adrielle smiled feeling happy that Jay is apologizing to her. She gives Jay a hug telling him that she's not mad at him. Jay blushed and smiled hugging Adrielle back enjoying the peaceful moment they have together. 

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