Ch. 8 Who's your girl-friend?

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It's morning and Adrielle is walking around campus ground with a book on her face. She's reading the story of Little Red Riding Hood. She smiled reading the part of Riding Hood meeting the big bad wolf. She continued walking not seeing Grumpy and Sneezy carrying a huge mirror. She turned a page as Sneezy sneezed causing him to let go of the huge mirror.

Jay walked out of the dorms when he sees the huge mirror about to fall on Adrielle. His eyes widened feeling scared that she's going to get hurt. He runs towards Adrielle and pushed her away causing them to fall and roll away. A loud smash was heard causing everyone to look seeing a huge mirror on the fall. Jay looked down at Adrielle with a worried expression on his face.

Adrielle blinked seeing Jay on top of her and blushed. Her heart beat loudly due to being close to each other. 

Grumpy glared at his brother.

" You idiot!" He growled. " This is why I don't like working with you. I don't know why Doc always assign you to me" He mumbled.

Sneezy rubbed his red nose. 

" Uncle Grumpy! Uncle Sneezy!" A male's voice speaks up. 

Grumpy and Sneezy turned seeing their nephew Doug running towards them with a smile on his face. Grumpy stayed quiet and ruffled Doug's hair while Sneezy accidentally sneezed on Doug which caused the young man to have snot on his face.

" Ewww Uncle Sneezy!" Doug makes a disgusted expression on his face.

Grumpy laughs.

" S-Sorry! I couldn't help it" Sneezy sniffed. 

Jay helps Adrielle up asking her if she's okay.

" I'm fine" Adrielle smiled.

Doug turns around seeing Adrielle and Jay.

" Adri! Are you okay?" He asked walking towards them. " I saw everything" He wears a worried expression on his face.

Adrielle turns to Doug and smiled.

" I'm okay" She reassured him. 

 Jay curiously stared at Doug wondering what his relationship with Adrielle. 

Adrielle noticed standing between them.

" Jay! I would like you to meet my best friend Doug. He's the son of Dopey and the nephew of Grumpy, Sneezy, Doc, Happy, Bashful, and Sleepy" She looks at them. " Doug, I would like you to meet Jay. He's the son of Jafar" She smiled.

Doug held his hand out to Jay and smiled.

" Nice to meet you" He stared at him.

Jay nods his hand taking Doug's hand with his and gripping it lightly. Doug flinched a bit because the grip was a bit tight to him.

" Jay! Adrielle! Doug!" A female voice speaks up.

Jay lets go of Doug's hand and turns his head to the right seeing Evie waving at them with Mal and Carlos following her.

" Evie" Jay smiled.

Doug blushed when he sees Evie.

" E-Evie" He stuttered.

Grumpy stared at Doug and smirked noticing his nephew blushing. He followed Doug's eyesight and stares at Evie feeling amused that his nephew has a crush on a girl.

" Doug! Who's your girl-friend?" He asked teasing his nephew a little.

Doug tensed up and blushed.

" W-Which one?" He asked glancing at his uncle. 

Grumpy smirked.

" You know who I'm talking about" He chuckles. 

Doug's face becomes bright red.

Evie noticed and wears a worried expression on her face.

" Doug? Are you okay?" She asked taking a step towards Doug and stands in front of him. 

Doug tensed up.

Grumpy watched with amusement seeing Evie placing a hand on his nephew's forehead and check his temperature.

" Well, you don't have a fever" Evie smiled at Doug.

Doug smiled. 

" T-Thanks" He stuttered. 

Adrielle looks at Evie and smiled.

" You kind of remind me of my mom" She suddenly tells Evie.

Evie blinks and blushed.

" I-I do?" She smiled.

Adrielle nods her head.

" Yeah. I could tell that you are a really nice person. Would you like to be friends?" She asked. " My name is Adrielle by the way" She held her hand to her.

Evie smiled.

" I know who you are" She takes Adrielle's hand and shakes it. " You have an admirer that talks about you nonstop" She glanced at Jay teasing him.

Jay looks away from the girls hiding his blush. He can't help but get nervous since Adrielle is going to be curious about this admirer. He hopes that Evie doesn't tell her because he doesn't know what to say to Adrielle if she finds out. 

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