Ch. 4 Welcome to Auradon Prep

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Jay looks around wearing an awed expression on his face. He looked forward seeing Auradon Prep and smiled. 

" We're finally here" Jay rubs his hands together feeling excited to rule the school and be the most popular student that all of the girls adore

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" We're finally here" Jay rubs his hands together feeling excited to rule the school and be the most popular student that all of the girls adore. 

The others stared at Jay with amusement in their eyes. 

The limo parked in front of the school where Adrielle, Ben, and Audrey waited for them. The headmistress of Auradon arrived with a marching band. Adrielle turns to the headmistress smiling at her. 

" Fairy Godmother" Adrielle greeted her politely.

Fairy Godmother smiled at Adrielle. 

The limo's door opened and Jay steps out of the limo. Jay eyed the four students when his dark brown eyes met with Adrielle's light brown ones. 

" Well, hello there~" Jay smirked

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" Well, hello there~" Jay smirked. 

Adrielle blinks staring at Jay in the eyes.

" Hello" She greeted him with a friendly smile

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" Hello" She greeted him with a friendly smile. 

Jay eyed Adrielle thinking that she's beautiful.

" Has anyone told you that you are beautiful~" He flirted with her.

Adrielle blinks tilting her head to the side.

Carlos rolled his eyes. 

" Oh, brother" He sighed. 

Audrey turned to Jay.

" Her" She eyed Adrielle. " Beautiful?" She laughs. " The only one who is beautiful is me" She smiled. " Right, Bennyboo~" She giggles hugging Ben's right arm.

Adrielle sighed. 

" I should get going" She mumbled. " Seems like I'm not wanted here" She turns around walking away from the group. 

Jay frowned watching Adrielle leave his eyesight. He turned to his friends telling them that he'll meet them at the dorms. He waved goodbye to his friends and jog towards Adrielle not wanting the beautiful girl to be sad. 

" Hey! Wait up" He shouts. 

Adrielle stops walking seeing Jay approaching her with a smile on his face. She blinks wondering what the son of Jafar wants with her. 

" Yes?" She stared at him.

" What's your name?" Jay asked her.

Adrielle's eyebrow raised.

" You came all the way here to ask me for my name?" She sounded a little surprised. 

Jay nods his head.

" So, what is your name? Or should I just call you beautiful" He smirked.

Adrielle smiled at him.

" Adrielle but most of my friends call me Adri" She tells him. 

" Adrielle..." He whispered. He liked the sound of her name coming from his mouth. " That's a beautiful and unique name such as yourself" He winks at her. 

Adrielle stared at Jay thinking that he's a nice guy and wants to be friends with her. She looked at him with hopeful eyes.

" Do you want to be friends with me?" She asked. 

Jay stared at Adrielle in the eyes and smiled.

" It must be my lucky day to have a beautiful girl asking me to be their friend" He chuckles. " The name is Jay by the way" He winks at her.

Adrielle nods her head.

" Nice to meet you Jay and welcome to Auradon Prep" She tells him. 

Jay takes Adrielle's right hand with his. 

" Pleasure meeting you" He smiled placing Adrielle's right hand on his lips kissing it in a gentle manner. 

Adrielle looks at him with a small blush on her cheeks.

" Aren't you a charmer" She laughs. 

" Even though, I am a bad guy to many people. I know that the right thing to do is treat ladies with respect" He tells her. 

Adrielle nods her head.

" Want me to show you around?" She asked him. 

Jay smiled holding his left arm out to Adrielle.

" It would be an honor to have a beautiful lady show me around" He looks at her.

Adrielle smiled wrapping her right arm around his. She walks with Jay showing him around the school and telling him about the history of Auradon Prep. 

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