Ch. 11 Tryouts

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It's after school and Adrielle accompanies Jay to the fields where the Tourney tryouts are being held. She gives Jay a hug wishing him good luck and walks towards the benches. She looks forward seeing Evie staring at the guys. She blinks wearing a confused expression on her face wondering why Evie is at the tryouts. She walks towards Evie and sat down next to her greeting her with a smile. 

" Hello, Adrielle!" Evie smiled. " You're here to see Jay tryout. That's adorable!" She giggles. " Jay must be really happy that you are watching him" She looks at her.

Adrielle blushed. 

" J-Jay invited me" She mumbled. " I...I don't want to be mean but why are you here?" She asked looking at Evie with curious eyes. 

" It's okay. Chad invited me" Evie sighs happily.

Adrielle blinks. 

" Chad. Chad Charming?" She stared at her.

Evie nods her head. 

" Isn't he... you know charming" She smiled. " He's in my Chemistry class" She turns her head to the field and stare at Chad. " He's so kind to me" She sighed happily. " He even called me beautiful" She blushed.

Adrielle looks at Evie with worried eyes.

' I want to tell Evie that he's a flirt but I don't want to hurt her feelings' She thought. ' I could tell that she's really smitten towards him' She bites her lips. 

Evie turns to Adrielle.

" Oh! The girls and I are having a slumber party at my dorm tonight. Want to come?" She asked. " Today is a Friday, so we don't have school the next day" She smiled.

Adrielle smiled.

" Who's going to be there?" She asked. 

" Jane, Lonnie, and Mal" Evie tells her. " I love slumber parties! We get to bond and talk about so many things" She smiled.

Adrielle nods her head.

" I'll go! It's been a while since I been to a slumber party" She giggles. " Want me to bring anything?" She asked.

Evie shakes her head.

" I'll provide with the snacks and Mal is providing entertainment. Just bring yourself" She tells her. 

 " Okay! I'll see you tonight" Adrielle tells her.

" Adrielle!" A voice brought Adrielle's attention away from Evie.

Adrielle looks forward and smiled seeing Jay running towards her to the bench. He grabs the railing and jumps standing in front of her. 

" Guess what! The coach says I'm in" Jay smiled. 

Adrielle stands up and hugs him.

" That's awesome! I'm happy for you" She tells him.

Jay blushed hugging Adrielle back. He turns to look at Evie who winks at him mouthing out that she's kidnapping Adrielle to have some girl time with her. He lets go of Adrielle and smiled feeling happy that she came to support him on his tryouts.

" Jay! Want to celebrate being on the team by having ice cream with me at Elsa's Ice cream shop?" Adrielle asked him. 

Jay nods his head.

" Sure!" He takes Adrielle's hand with his. " See ya later Evie!" He waves goodbye to Evie and walks with Adrielle.

Evie waves goodbye to them and smiled feeling happy that Adrielle and Jay are getting close to each other. She knows by the end of the school year, they will confess their feelings to each other and be in a relationship. She's happy for Jay because he deserves a happy ending of his own. She hears her name being called and blinks seeing Chad walking towards her from the Tourney tryouts and Doug walkings towards her from band practice. She didn't know why but her heart is feeling confused because she doesn't know if she should talk to Chad or talk to Doug. 

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